Batch plot going slowly

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Brian Lacher, Jan 23, 2004.

  1. Brian Lacher

    Brian Lacher Guest

    We print on a networked HP LaserJet 4MV from AutoCAD 2002. When we had our
    machines running Win98 BatchPlot would take set of dwg's and print them out
    very quickly one right after the other. Now that our machines are running XP
    the drawings will get sent but the printer powers up to print a page, then
    winds down, pauses for approx. 5 sec then winds back up to print next page.
    Quite slow comparatively. We also changed operating systems on the print
    server to XP, but not the file server. Any ideas?
    Brian Lacher, Jan 23, 2004
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