Batch Plot- Defining plot device

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by bowmanp1, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. bowmanp1

    bowmanp1 Guest

    I have a series of drawings to print. Many of them have an incorrect page setup that they are saved as. I am using the Publish function in Acad2004. On the drawings that are incorrectly setup, I attempt to redefine it's page setup by choosing the radio button "Another drawing or template". After I choose a drawing that is correctly setup for plotting, I still get an error on the incorrect drawings. The error log indicates that it can't find the device...the device it's searching for is not even the device that is setup in the correct drawing that I had pointed it to. Am I missing something? If I specify what drawing to pull the page setup info from, it should work just like that drawing, right?
    bowmanp1, Feb 25, 2005
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