batch from inside lisp

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bryan Thomson, Nov 5, 2004.

  1. Is there a way to run a external batch file from inside a lisp routine?
    Example I am creating a lisp routine for loading a standard menu setup for
    my office. Outside of this lisp routine I have a batch file that erases the
    acad.pgp on the local computer so autocad pulls a custom pgp file from my
    network. I would like to imbed this batch file into my lisp routine. If you
    need more info Im more than willing to give it up. Can any one help? Many
    thanks in advanced for anyone that can help me with this.

    Bryan Thomson, Nov 5, 2004
  2. (startapp "c:\\test.bat")

    seems to work for me...
    Casey Roberts, Nov 5, 2004
  3. Bryan Thomson

    Tom Smith Guest

    Why not just have the local profile point to the shared pgp location on the
    network? A common way to do things is to put customizations such as menus in
    one or more read-only network folders and have the search files point there.
    You don't need to delete the local files. They're superceded by the custom
    versions if those are earlier on the search path.
    Tom Smith, Nov 5, 2004
  4. That is a good idea but I have had some bug issues that would prevent this
    from working. I run autocad as well as LDD and ocasionally for no reason at
    all Autocad like to reset system variables. This mainly happens when going
    between the two different platforms. Manually deleting these files eliminate
    the case where autocad or users (Who knows all I know is some times gremlins
    change settings on computers for me) changes the support file search order.
    The batch file is easy to run and it does the job I need it to do. Thank you
    for the suggestion.
    Bryan Thomson, Nov 5, 2004
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