Batch Exporting

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by guynoir, Jun 4, 2004.

  1. guynoir

    guynoir Guest

    I have a drawing with 50 configurations, each of which I'd like to
    export to .igs and .sat. Is there a way to do this in Solidworks? Are
    there any utilities I can download that will do this? The only thing I
    found in the archives is "PAC4SWX", which doesn't seem to have what I
    want. I saw one post from Solidworks World 2001 which listed batch
    print/translate as no. 56 on the user request list.


    John Kimmel

    replace my first name with j to reply.
    guynoir, Jun 4, 2004
  2. Macro wouldn't be too hard. you would need to attach to the activedoc get a
    list of the configs and save each one out.
    Corey Scheich, Jun 7, 2004
  3. You are right, PAC4SWX doesn't di this ... intentionally. I have
    designed it to batch print, convert or macro-run it for multiple
    files, not multiple configurations.

    But one of our fellows in the german webforum made the kind of
    macro you are looking for and allowed me to put it on one of
    my websites. Please go to
    and download the macro 16 ( ExportConfigAs ) and give it a try.



    unofficial german SolidWorks helpsite
    tools and programs for SolidWorks
    Stefan Berlitz, Jun 10, 2004
  4. guynoir

    John Kimmel Guest

    Thanks. I got a macro from Dynabits that is extremely simple and does a
    good job.
    John Kimmel, Jun 12, 2004
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