batch drawing processing.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by gilesp, Jul 22, 2003.

  1. gilesp

    gilesp Guest

    I'm getting several requests from other users for a 'script' that will open multiple drawings in sequence and perform various commands on them before closing, either with or without saving (depending on the nature of the commands executed).

    My initial approach is a little clumsy, in that the routine needs to be launched from an open drawing, creates a text file of the drawing files in the working folder, and makes it into a script that it then executes, calling any lisp routines within the script. This leaves no option to select which drawings to process, and often leaves potentially harmful (in the wrong users hands) script files lying about the place.

    Ideally I'm looking for a 'batch-plot' style dialogue, where you can browse and select multiple files within several folders (even drag and drop, perhaps) then push a button and it'll fire up autocad, open drawing, process drawing, close drawing etc. It'd have to be fairly flexible, as I'd be using it for a variety of different batch type routines, from plotting to automated updates and amendments.

    This approach is probably beyond the capabilities of Autolisp, but perhaps possible in VB? Problem is: VBA is a large and scary-looking can or worms to me. Does anyone have any sample code I can examine, or some pointers, or an alternative approach?

    Any thoughts appreciated..


    gilesp, Jul 22, 2003
  2. gilesp

    gilesp Guest

    Cheers Chris, this looks like just the thing I'm after. Many thanks...

    gilesp, Jul 22, 2003
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