basic dims

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Janes, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. Janes

    Janes Guest

    Since WF4, Basic dims don't behave properly. (looks like a bug). When you add text to the left of @D, like 2X, this turns up OUTSIDE the BASIC dim box. Anyone noticed this? Anyone reported it?

    David Janes
    Janes, Aug 20, 2009
  2. Janes

    LouR Guest

    Hi David, We have noticed the same thing here using WF4, our work
    around for this problem is @[2X @D@]

    this will put the 2X along with your dimension "inside" a basic box.

    LouR, Aug 20, 2009
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