Bar Joist Routine?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Gascap, Mar 25, 2005.

  1. Gascap

    Gascap Guest


    Does anyone know of a basic routine that will draw bar joists in
    elevation? pick bearing point A, then point B, and the joist
    generates between them? (we're not running ADT)


    Gascap, Mar 25, 2005
  2. Here's a Screen Menu entry that draws the end (such as for a wall section):

    [StlJoist]^C^C^PSETVAR UCSFOLLOW 0 +
    (setq p1 (getpoint "Outer End of Bearing Seat: ")) \+
    (setq p2 (getpoint "Inner End of Bearing Seat: ")) \+
    (setq seatlgth (abs (- (car p2) (car p1)))) +
    (if (> (car p2) (car p1)) (command "UCS" "O" p2) +
    (command "UCS" "ZA" p2 "@0,0,-1")) +
    LINE 0,1/2 @30,-30 SELECT L ORTHO ON +
    (setq p3 (getpoint '(0 0) "Cut-line Location: ")) \+
    (setq p4 (list (car p3) (+ 2.5 (cadr p3)))) +
    (setq depth (getdist p4 "Joist Depth: ")) \+
    (setq p5 (polar p4 (* pi 1.5) depth)) (setq intd (- depth 3.0)) +
    (setq p6 (getpoint p5 "End of bottom chord: ")) \+
    ERASE P LINE (list (- seatlgth) 1.5) 0,1.5 0,0 +
    (polar '(0 0) pi seatlgth) @0,2.5 !p4 0,1 (list (car p4) 1.0) +
    LINE !p5 !p6 @0,1.5 (list (car p5) (+ (cadr p5) 1.5)) ;+
    LINE 0,1/2 (list (- intd 0.5) (- 1 intd)) 1/2,1 +
    (list (+ 0.5 intd) (- 1 intd)) LINE (list (+ 1 intd) (- 1 intd)) +
    (polar (getvar "LASTPOINT") (* pi 0.66666) (* 1.1547005 intd)) +
    COPY L .81637,0 MIRROR L P (list (+ 2 intd) (- 1 intd)) @0,1 ;+
    UCS P ^P

    You might have to try it a few times to figure out what it's asking, but I
    hope the prompts are clear enough.

    It uses standard 2-1/2" bearing end depth, for standard K-series joists. It
    would be easy enough to adjust for 5" long-span ends.

    It just puts in a few diagonal web members. You'd have to mirror and join
    the results, and array (and probably adjust) web members, if you want a
    whole joist in a building section or something.
    Kent Cooper, AIA, Mar 25, 2005
  3. Gascap

    Gascap Guest

    I'll give it a go.

    Thanks, Kent!

    Gascap, Mar 25, 2005
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