balloons not following subassembly condition - swx2005sp5

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by rider89, Nov 22, 2005.

  1. rider89

    rider89 Guest

    maybe this was a bug?
    just started using sw2005 a couple weeks ago.
    very routine little assembly, very first item is
    a routine 4 piece subassy.
    BOM agrees with model assembly order, shown
    correctly with indented subassemblies, etc.
    top level assy and subassy have only one configuration.
    have done ctrl-q and rebuild button, closed and reopened
    all files, yadi yada, a zillion times.

    Balloons insist on numbering the separate components of
    the first subassembly, thereby incrementing item numbers with
    no relationship to the real assembly order.

    been using swx since '98 and cannot believe I am sitting
    here fighting this for the 500th? time. yet another 5 minute
    routine task turned into a 4 hour clusterf....

    did they throw some new hidden "enhancement" in here
    that I need to deal with?

    rider89, Nov 22, 2005
  2. rider89

    rider89 Guest

    just as i was about to give up.
    i had made a subassembly from two of the components further down in the
    assembly order.
    even though the new sub did appear in the bom, i finally noticed that one of
    the components of it
    had disappeared. something with this subassy creation apparently blowed up
    the entire balloon numbering function. wtf?
    fixed it by deleting and recreating the bom.

    waiting for the next weirdness...
    god, i wish all my customers were on swx2001
    rider89, Nov 22, 2005
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