ball mill path..

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Tom L, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. Tom L

    Tom L Guest

    I'm trying to figure out a simple task.. I want to do a ball mill path on
    the surface of a part..
    For example, I want to mill in a + sign on a solid, using a .25"r ball mill,
    with the tip only going .100" below the surface of the material. What easy
    way is there to do this?
    Tom L, Sep 1, 2005
  2. Tom L

    Boat Guest

    Depends on what you mean by "do". If it's a flat surface, G-codes are almost
    as easy as modeling the cut. Insert, Cut, Sweep a flat bottomed, U-shaped
    path piercing the center of a 1/4" dia profile. If the surface isn't flat,
    you'll just have to draw the path to match an offset of the surface. G-codes
    for that will be a bit more involved.
    Boat, Sep 1, 2005
  3. Tom L

    cschultz Guest

    Create a sketch of the cross. (.500 wide 'arms')
    extrude .100" into the body, 1" out of the body
    uncheck 'merge result' --> ok
    add .25" radius to edges/faces of cross
    combine --> subract

    This will leave you with a .100" deep pocket that will be created by a
    ..500" diameter ball end mill.

    cschultz, Sep 1, 2005
  4. Tom L

    Tom L Guest

    Thanks for the help, I have learned a couple things.. However, I'm still
    having the problem..

    For clearity, saay I want to machine a simple K in some plastic, and do it
    with 3 machined lines, using a .25r ball mill, going .100" into the service.
    For CNC stuff, that's basically 3 G01 statements to cut the lines, and
    plenty easy.

    So, the question is, how do I do this operation in solidworks? If I have a
    simple circle or something, I can cut-sweep all day, but when I get a sharp
    bend or intersecting curve, it bombs out.

    cschultz way was pretty cool, but if I wanted to ball mill "SOLIDWORKS
    RULES" I would be there for a long long time.

    I imagine having a sphere, a solid object, and then sweeping that along
    the path, and subtract what it hits?
    Tom L, Sep 2, 2005
  5. Tom L

    cschultz Guest

    now why would you want to engrave that in anything?! Just kidding, I
    really like SW. It's usually the drivers of the system that have

    I taught myself that method after banging my head against my desk
    trying to get a pocket created with a BEM to look right. The sweep
    thing wigs out if it doubles back on itself. You will probably have to
    do each leg of the 'k' as separate bodies, fillet, subtract....if you
    want it to look right.
    cschultz, Sep 2, 2005
  6. Tom L

    shaun Guest

    just model it as a slot, set the CNC code up like you were cutting a
    slot, and then swap the tool for a BEM and call it a day, Don't spend
    all day getting the model to look like what you want, spend part of the
    day making the model that will yeild you the part you want. Or just
    place a sketch on the top, and on the machine minus the depth value to
    the z tooloffset(if in a normal 3 axis mill).
    shaun, Sep 2, 2005
  7. Tom L

    Guest Guest

    If you're engraving with a ball end mill and it's just cosmetic I
    wouldn't bother to create 3D geometry for it. I used Pro/E before
    solidworks and when we had to engrave we'd generate cosmetic sketches
    using single line text (essentially the path of the ball end mill). A
    note on the drawing would call out the desired depth and width of the

    Then in Pro/NC the programmer would choose to run an engraving sequence
    using the sketched text and choose a ball end mill as his tool.

    This has the benefit of keeping the part simple, being fast, and
    providing lines and arcs for the tool path.

    So I'd suggest just sketching your text on your surface and programming
    to that.
    Guest, Sep 2, 2005
  8. Tom L

    CS Guest

    I was actually trying to create a macro for this basically the output
    would be a sweep that can have intersecting geometry or a "solid sweep"
    anyway I got it to work with a tool path that was in the ZX plane but
    abandoned it because my wife was complaining that I didn't have a
    promise to pay. I would finish it if I had a PO. If you use it much
    e-mail me @
    corey scheich at
    this doesn't belong
    CS, Sep 13, 2005
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