BAK Files

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Keith White, Apr 30, 2004.

  1. Keith White

    Keith White Guest

    I am wondering if there is a place (maybe in the registry) that I can
    specify a different location for BAK files. Our server seems to be
    constantly filling up and is in larger part due to bak files.

    Any thoughts?

    Keith White
    Keith White, Apr 30, 2004
  2. Keith White

    DFrank Guest

    I used to delete the BAK files after I ran backups each night.

    DEL *.BAK /S
    DFrank, Apr 30, 2004
  3. Keith White

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Express Tools: MOVEBAK
    Paul Turvill, Apr 30, 2004
  4. I don't think there's any way of putting the .BAK file somewhere other than
    where the .DWG file is (couldn't find it anywhere, anyway). The closest
    thing I can think of is that somewhere there's an option, when you SAVEAS or
    SAVE (not QSAVE, but to another file), whether you want it to make a .BAK
    file there, too, but I think that's also in the same directory where you put
    the .DWG file.

    You could dump .BAK files for drawings you're no longer working on (provided
    you have them otherwise safely backed up, of course). But there's no point
    in regularly getting rid of them for drawings that are still being
    developed, because every time you open or save them, it's going to make a
    new .BAK file if it isn't already there, and besides, I'd expect it takes
    longer to open or save that way.

    You might also check your Server for .BK* files, too. If something goes
    wrong in a drawing, and it says it can't continue but asks if you want to
    save your changes, it makes .BK1, .BK2, etc. files in addition to the .BAK.
    If you find any of those, and if both the .DWG and .BAK files for the same
    drawing are more recent than the .BK* one(s), then you can safely delete the
    ..BK* files.

    Also check for other kinds of temporary files that might be on there, some
    of which result from crashes -- acadstk.dmp, .sv$ files, acad.err, and I
    think others. But be careful to check dates/times and only get rid of those
    that are not current, because there are some that are used while you're in a
    drawing and dumped when you close it (if that happens normally) -- you
    wouldn't want to delete one for a drawing currently being edited. There ARE
    other places you can put some of those other kinds of temporary files (see
    the Files Tab in Options), so if some of those are going on the Server, you
    could steer them elsewhere.

    Kent Cooper, AIA

    Kent Cooper, AIA, Apr 30, 2004
  5. Keith White

    spencer1971 Guest

    You could use the move bak files command, Under (files) on the express toolbar. It works Ok
    spencer1971, Apr 30, 2004
  6. Keith White

    Keith White Guest

    Thank you for the replies. I expected to see those responses, which to me
    means I was not far from standard thought. My first thought is to leave the
    BAK files as they are, and upgrade our server, but that is not my call to
    make. I am a CAD Manager and Intern Architect that assists our IT person as
    well. The final decision is not mine to make. I can only provide input,
    and with your replies, my input is much more solid.

    Thank you again,

    Keith White
    Keith White, Apr 30, 2004
  7. (MOVEBACK is in 2004 Express Tools, but not 2000.)

    Of course, you DO have the option to not make backup files at all, if you
    want to live life on the edge....

    Kent Cooper, AIA

    Kent Cooper, AIA, Apr 30, 2004
  8. Keith White

    spencer1971 Guest

    If rou write the movebak command into acad.lsp it will set movebak to a specified directiry on every drawing as they are opened.
    spencer1971, Apr 30, 2004
  9. Keith White

    Keith White Guest

    That is exactly what I have done.

    Thanks again,


    specified directiry on every drawing as they are opened.
    Keith White, Apr 30, 2004
  10. Keith White

    Paul Turvill Guest

    I beg to differ. MOVEBAK has been around since the advent of Vol.1-9. We
    have a working copy on our remaining 2000i installation. In any case, where
    did the OP mention anything about version 2000?
    Paul Turvill, Apr 30, 2004
  11. Here is a command I just wrote that uses the old DOS move command to move
    I did NOT test this on a network, so I have no idea how long it takes to
    move a bunch of files.
    Change "C:/temp/" to any folder, making sure you use / instead of \.

    (defun C:MOVEBAK ()
    (setq BAKS (strcat (getvar "dwgprefix") "*.bak"))
    (command "SHELL" (princ (strcat "MOVE /Y " BAKS " C:/temp/")))
    Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions, Apr 30, 2004
  12. Keith White

    cadtown Guest

    Someone asked me the same question some time ago, and I believe I quickly wrote a simple routine which moves the BAK file to a user-specified directory every time user issues a save command in AutoCAD. I think I tested only briefly but I am not sure how well it works - should works fine....Anyways, you can download it from:

    cadtown, Apr 30, 2004
  13. You might be able to re-define the save command to save a copy of the DWG file in a specified location and turn off the save backup option.
    brent_mctigue, May 3, 2004
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