Bak file Save relocation

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by David Lake, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. David Lake

    David Lake Guest

    Before having to format my hard drive I used to have a small add-in for
    Acad 2002 which sent all the .BAK files to one folder, as they were created.
    I've lost it and can't find it on the net again (which is where it came
    Tried &
    Neither seem to have it
    Has anyone seen it recently and where?

    David Lake, Nov 12, 2004
  2. David Lake

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Express Tools: MOVEBAK
    Paul Turvill, Nov 12, 2004
  3. David Lake

    David Lake Guest

    I don't have this tool, can I get it or something that does the same
    I can't justify buying 'express tools' just for this, though it does help in
    doing a tidy back-up of my drawing files

    David Lake, Nov 14, 2004
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