Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ChrisL, Oct 14, 2004.

  1. ChrisL

    ChrisL Guest

    I keep getting this error, it is some sort of driver error, It happens mainly while trying to plot, but has frequently happened while just cadding away. This erroe shuts everything down, leaving you with the wonderful Blue screen of death, with the title as it's heading?

    I am using Cad 2004, on windows XP pro, windows update2, The plotter is an OCE' tds-300. I'm not exactly sure which driver?

    This error needs to be addressed as it has cost our comoany alot of time and, as we all know time is money..
    ChrisL, Oct 14, 2004
  2. Keep in mind that 95% of your software and drivers were not designed or
    tested to work with XP SP2. I haven't heard from anyone who hasn't had
    problems after installing SP2. I for one won't touch it on my main
    computer. This is actually an operating system error so your best bet is to
    search the internet. Here's one link that may help get you started.

    Rodney McManamy

    518 South Route 31 Suite 200
    McHenry, IL 60050
    Providing Industrial Strength
    PDF & DWF Solutions to the
    Global CAD Marketplace.

    mainly while trying to plot, but has frequently happened while just cadding
    away. This erroe shuts everything down, leaving you with the wonderful Blue
    screen of death, with the title as it's heading?
    OCE' tds-300. I'm not exactly sure which driver?
    and, as we all know time is money..
    Rodney McManamy - CADzation, Oct 14, 2004
  3. ChrisL

    ChrisL Guest

    would it behove me to re-install the OS without SP2? I know it's a rather large task, but, it in the long run may be better than all the lost work, due to this error?

    ChrisL, Oct 14, 2004
  4. ChrisL

    wfb Guest

    Uninstalling SP2 is a one step process, I think.

    large task, but, it in the long run may be better than all the lost work,
    due to this error?
    wfb, Oct 15, 2004
  5. I'm not so sure about that. We had a customer who tried unisntalling it and
    he says that the lines merge still does not work in AutoCAD as it did before
    installing the update.

    You might want to contact OCE and see if they have seen this and make sure
    you have the latest version of their driver. Also does it happen with all
    plotting or just when you send it to the OCE?

    Rodney McManamy

    518 South Route 31 Suite 200
    McHenry, IL 60050
    Providing Industrial Strength
    PDF & DWF Solutions to the
    Global CAD Marketplace.
    Rodney McManamy - CADzation, Oct 15, 2004
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