Bad quality Plotting A0 drawings with shaded view

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Olivier C, Apr 14, 2004.

  1. Olivier C

    Olivier C Guest

    We are using SolidWorks 2001 Plus and are plotting on an HP DesingJet

    When we plot A0 drawings with shaded Drawing views on it, the quality
    or resolution of the output of these views are very poor. This effect
    seems to be very obvious on models with diagonal lines or arcs. They
    are printed out with a kind of stair effect.
    We've already tried to update the driver but it doesn't seem to have
    an impact on the quality.

    Has anyone an idea on how to improve this ?

    Please help !

    Do we need to buy extra software to get this done ?

    Best regards,

    Olivier C, Apr 14, 2004
  2. Have you tried saving as TIFF with 300 or 600 DPI change the size to match
    A0 then print the massive Tiff that will result. It should have better
    quality. I haven't tried this with shaded views though.

    Corey Scheich, Apr 15, 2004
  3. Olivier C

    Kev Parkin Guest

    I use an ENCAD plotter and I get 3 mode settings DRAFT - NORMAL -
    ENHANCED in the plotter settings page, you may have similar options,
    the setting determins the number of passes between each movement of
    the paper or the amount the paper moves (or both) if you have check
    that it's not set to DRAFT.

    Hope this helps,

    Kev Parkin, Apr 15, 2004
  4. Olivier C

    Pete Yodis Guest


    On the page setup tab within the print dialogue box, choose the
    high quality option. Shaded views will print much improved in
    quality. Without this option checked, the quality is draft-like.
    Note the spool size going to the printer will increase dramatically
    and therefore will take longer. We've actually had problems with
    areas of a drawing not printing out when the spool size gets to large.
    We can't determine if its a SolidWorks problem or whether its printer
    related, memory related, network related......

    Pete Yodis, Apr 15, 2004
  5. Olivier C

    Jacob Filek Guest

    If you have Photoworks you can render the image to a JPG file then "insert/
    object" pick "Create from File".
    Insert JPG image into your drawing. (I have had to do this)
    If you do not have Photoworks you can try saving the image as a JPG then
    edit it in Photoshop or equivalent.

    The shaded image quality hasn't improved with SW2004 even though it has a so
    called "High Quality" setting in the page setup dialog box.

    This is VERY frustrating because the method that I describe above does NOT
    link the rendered image with the drawing - that is to say if any changes are
    made to the part you have to redo the entire process.
    Jacob Filek, Apr 16, 2004
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