
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by dbq, Sep 21, 2004.

  1. dbq

    dbq Guest

    I'm a long time user of Proe just getting my feet wet in SW. I miss
    "backup" in Proe where you could backup an entire assembly into a
    folder, zip everything in the folder up, post it on someone's ftp site
    and have that person pull up the entire assy w/o missing a beat (or a
    part ;-) ).

    Does SW have an equivalent? It seems when I do a "save as" in SW into
    another folder it only saves the assy and not the children underneath.
    What am I missing?


    dbq, Sep 21, 2004
  2. dbq

    matt Guest

    Or you could also go to File, Find References, Copy, and aim it at a new
    directory. Save As messes with too many other things for my taste. If
    you're in SW already with the assy open, use File, Find References, if not,
    then SW Explorer.

    matt, Sep 21, 2004
  3. dbq

    Kev Parkin Guest

    You could also try:

    File> Send to and pick the "SLDASM and other documents it references" option.

    Kev Parkin, Sep 21, 2004
  4. dbq

    Pascal Scanu Guest

    Pascal Scanu, Sep 21, 2004
  5. dbq

    P Guest

    I agree with Matt. File/Find References is more robust. Also has some
    features to allow mass renaming.

    Generally you have three options:

    SaveAs with References (be sure to do a SaveAs back to the original
    directory or unexpected results may ensue.)

    File/Find References with copy.

    SWExplorer which allows for some powerful renaming and versioning

    One thing you must be carefull about is that SW will not save things
    in inactive configurations.
    P, Sep 21, 2004
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