Background Plotting

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by audaler1, Apr 28, 2004.

  1. audaler1

    audaler1 Guest

    I have loaded the Autocad LDDT 2005 and I am tying to plot in the background with no luck. I have read through the help, it's not rocket science. any sug.
    audaler1, Apr 28, 2004
  2. If you have customizations that runs at startup you might have to disable
    them to be able to use background plotting. From the ReadMe: "AutoLISP®
    scripts that run at startup should check whether the AutoCAD process is
    visible or invisible. If the process is invisible, the script should not
    execute, because the process may be performing background plotting or
    publishing operations. To check whether the AutoCAD process is visible or
    invisible, you can use the Visible property of the Application object in the
    AutoCAD Object Model." It can be done like this:

    (if (= (vlax-get-property (vlax-get-acad-object) "Visible") :vlax-true)
    < here comes your code >

    Best Regards, Jimmy Bergmark
    CAD and Database Developer Manager at
    Take a look at
    JTB FlexReport (FLEXlm report tool) -
    SmartPurger (Purges automatically) -
    or download some freeware at
    More on AutoCAD 2005;

    background with no luck. I have read through the help, it's not rocket
    science. any sug.
    Jimmy Bergmark, May 1, 2004
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