Background colour

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Arie, Mar 4, 2005.

  1. Arie

    Arie Guest

    I am using AutoCAD 2002. My drawing window background is black. I use the
    design centre constantly. Within the design centre is a preview pane whose
    background colour is white, I wish it to be black as well so I can better
    see my block previews. I do not want to change my "Windows" colours
    globally. In the options under the display tab we can change "AutoCAD"
    default colours of a number of different display items. The preview pane in
    the design centre is not listed there.

    Does anyone out there know how to change this?

    Arie, Mar 4, 2005
  2. Arie

    Pete Guest

    It's dependant on the window's background color. My design center
    background is a very light green and my blocks are clearly visible because
    the icons themselves have a black background. Maybe your blocks were
    created with a white background in AutoCAD? What do you see if you change
    the windows background color to black or some other dark color?
    Pete, Mar 5, 2005
  3. Arie

    JP Guest

    Try using color 8 as a drawing background.
    Much easyer for your eyes and helps a lot with visibility in the tools like
    May take several hours (or some days, depending on age :)) ) to get used to
    Newbies always start on black in our office, after some hours they are
    convinced, grey 8 is better.

    JP, Mar 7, 2005
  4. Arie

    Arie Guest

    Hello Again News Group

    Here is some information that suits me and may be appropriate knowledge for
    others as well. The back ground colour of the preview pane in the design
    centre when an entire drawing is highlighted is white. When you highlight a
    block within a drawing (as in my case) it appears black.

    So the solution to my problem is to not leave my blocks as drawings but to
    place them an a drawing sheet and view them as blocks. I hope in future
    issues of AutoCAD this will not be necessary.


    Arie, Mar 10, 2005
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