Backannotation for hspice netlist generation

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Alex, Dec 14, 2007.

  1. Alex

    Alex Guest


    I was wandering if somebody could hint me the advise on the following

    After I perform parasitic extraction with Assura RCX and create an
    extracted view, the instances names are derived from schematic
    according to hierarchy structure and same for nets. But when I try to
    generate an hspice netlist for further simulation, I receive completely
    netlist with all the net names (and transistor names) substituted with
    generics, i.e. Mxxx for transistors, and net names substituted with
    And this happened only if I choose to generate HSPICE netlist. If I do the
    same procedure for spectre simulations, all the names seem to be preserved.

    All the procedures are performed in Virtuoso Analogue Environment.

    The question is how to generate an hspice netlist with extracted
    parasitics, whith net names preserved from schematic for easier navigation
    (I use awaves)?

    Thank for your help.
    Alex, Dec 14, 2007
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