Back & Forward in Browser

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by takedown, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. takedown

    takedown Guest

    I'm a bit annoyed that my mouse's back and forward buttons can't
    control the back and forward functions of the Wildfire Browser. No
    keyboard shortcuts work either. It's not a big deal, but it's
    irritating that Wildfire is the only program that I'm forced to use
    the mouse to navigate. Thanks.
    takedown, Jun 18, 2007
  2. takedown

    dgeesaman Guest

    While I agree, I'm not sure how this posting is going to change that

    dgeesaman, Jun 18, 2007
  3. takedown

    graminator Guest

    You mean you guys use the browser in Wildfire?
    graminator, Jun 18, 2007
  4. takedown

    takedown Guest

    I know I can access Intralink/Windchill via Internet Explorer, but
    it's handy to have it right there in my ProE window.
    takedown, Jun 18, 2007
  5. takedown

    David Janes Guest

    I know I can access Intralink/Windchill via Internet Explorer, but
    it's handy to have it right there in my ProE window.

    Intralink/PDMLink/Windchill, these are the magic words. When you add them to the mix, were I a system administrator, I'd disable the Browser completely. Pro/e, on my system, won't even start without starting Intralink. Then I can start Pro/e without a workspace, but that's COMPLETELY outside Intralink/Oracle's ken and keeping. It's especially seductive for people from a Windows background to think that this lets you access everything. And it does ~ with Intralink in the background still thinking it's running the show. So, I've seen numerous innocents who just came from Solidworks, thinking, oh goody, here's another Windows program I'm familiar with, seeing the browser and getting tricked into simply "windows browsing" for files (calves to the slaughter), doing all their file manipulations from there and wondering, weeks later, why they can't find their files, which they absolutely KNEW they saved. BTW, how do you change workspaces without exiting the program and starting in a new workspace? Tools>Server Registry: this is the kind of stuff the Browser folks don't get acquainted with. I agree, it's a nice way to get to the internet and especially the PTC website, but I draw the line at file manipulation: if you're hooked to Intralink, that's where it belongs. No file work with the browser, NO 'Set working directory' in Intralink. Outside of Intralink, have at it!! Including writing your own Java programs to interface with the Pro/e browser.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Jun 19, 2007
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