axlDBGetProperties can not get all properties of nets

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Tom_Ding, Feb 2, 2005.

  1. Tom_Ding

    Tom_Ding Guest

    I'm using Allegro 14.2. I found that I can not get all propeties
    attached to a net by using the axl-SKILL function axlDBGetProperties.
    When I use this function, I can only get the propeties which are
    attached by using the menu command Edit->Property.
    If I create some Pin Pairs and set the constraint "Relative
    Propagation Delay" in Constraint Manager, the corresponding property
    "RELATIVE_PROPAGATION_DELAY" will be attached to the correspoding nets.
    But I can not get these properties by using the function
    axlDBGetProperties in my SKILL codes.
    Could anybody else give me some advice about this problem?

    Tom_Ding, Feb 2, 2005
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