Axial fan blade

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Haiko Adolf, Nov 28, 2003.

  1. Haiko Adolf

    Haiko Adolf Guest

    Hi folks,
    did someone of you ever design an axial fan blade.
    My problem is that i can only sweep alone a line, but
    this does not help me in that special case.
    The blade should get thinner towards the OD
    and the stagger angle should get smaller.
    I want to use an air foil profile from a data base in .iges
    Mit freundlichem Gruß / kind regards
    Dr.-Ing. Haiko Adolf
    Siemens AG
    Haiko Adolf, Nov 28, 2003
  2. Do you mean that the section is progresively smaller (but with the same
    proportions), and you add a torsion in the profile ??

    If this is the case, probably you can make a blend (I can not remember but
    there is an option for doing not parallel sections)
    pitosYflautas, Nov 28, 2003
  3. Haiko Adolf

    David Janes Guest

    : If this is the case, probably you can make a blend (I can not remember but
    : there is an option for doing not parallel sections)
    I agree with using a blend. Copy the iges section with 'use edge' for the first
    blend section. Save this as a .sec file. Reuse this saved section for the second
    section ('Sketch>Data from File'). It is placed with drag, scale and rotate
    handles so that you can position it anyway you want. If you wish the trajectory
    curved, do a smooth blend, three sections, placing them in relation to each other
    to achieve a curved leading edge. I think this is what pitosYflautas referred to
    when he mentioned the rotational blend (vs. the usual parallel blend) which can
    also achieve the curved leading edge.

    David Janes
    : "Haiko Adolf" <> escribió en el mensaje
    : : > Hi folks,
    : > did someone of you ever design an axial fan blade.
    : > My problem is that i can only sweep alone a line, but
    : > this does not help me in that special case.
    : > The blade should get thinner towards the OD
    : > and the stagger angle should get smaller.
    : > I want to use an air foil profile from a data base in .iges
    : > format.
    : > Mit freundlichem Gruß / kind regards
    : > Dr.-Ing. Haiko Adolf
    : > Siemens AG
    : > Deutschland
    : >
    : >
    David Janes, Nov 28, 2003
  4. Haiko Adolf

    Barbarpapa1 Guest

    Hello to all

    Quite some time ago I designed a double curved axial fan blade for a fan of
    an small home appliance. I used surfaces created from boundary curves (One
    surface for convex party of the blade, second for concave part of blade and
    one for closing the top at the outer dimension). With good referencing
    (datums on the fly) I was able to do circular pattern.

    This small fan is still in production (It's made from PA66 GF30).

    And yes it was done in Pro/E version 17.

    Good luck.

    Barbarpapa1, Nov 29, 2003
  5. Haiko Adolf

    Dammerl Guest

    Hi Haiko,

    we used profiles calculated for several radii that we connected
    afterwards using the blend function. In our case inlet and outlet angle
    changed over the radius and I believe the center length ("Sehne") also
    was not constant. The rotor looked quite funky (to us anyway) and that
    particular design did not work ... but that was a design issue and not a
    pro/e problem. The blend feature worked like a charme.
    Dammerl, Dec 1, 2003
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