awd = wavescan??

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Erik Wanta, Aug 23, 2004.

  1. Erik Wanta

    Erik Wanta Guest

    Wavescan is taking 100s of MB of memory and running dog slow and
    spawning several java processes. I have disabled it for not and we
    are back to awd.

    envSetVal("asimenv.startup" "cds_ade_wftool" 'string "awd")
    Erik Wanta, Aug 23, 2004
  2. Eric,

    We are also not happy with the analog waveform viewers provided by
    All the hope over years was put into the new Wavescan which should be
    an improvement or at least an adequate replacement for AWD,
    but it seems to be not the case.

    Also an other issue here is that Cadence does only supports
    their proprietary waveform format PSF, which does not allow you
    to hook in third party waveform viewers which are more suitable.

    A common waveform format in the industry is the
    FSDB (Fast Signal Database) format, supported by
    many analog waveform viewers e.g. Novas nWave,
    Sandwork's WaveView Analyzer and Synopsys Cosmos Scope.
    FSDB is original form Novas, but I think it is open now.
    FSDB requires less diskspace for the same wave form as PSF
    therefore the wave form viewers can open a big file much faster
    than AWD on PSF.

    There is a PCR at Cadence that the Affirma Analog Environment
    should support the FSDB format #650290, but I think there is
    no action on it.

    Just for completion a funny thing, UltraSim does or at least
    did support FSDB.

    Regards Bernd
    Bernd Fischer, Aug 24, 2004
  3. Instead of using either wavescan or awd, with the significant issues
    that have been listed in this thread, you can use the Undertow
    waveform viewer directly with your PSF binary or PSF ASCII files. The
    major advantage of using Undertow is the speed of loading and viewing
    your waveform files. Undertow will load even 2 gigabyte files very
    quickly and allow the user to view the waveform data for any signal
    almost instantly. Undertow has one of the most complete set of analog
    analysis features available on the market today, and includes the
    built in scripting language, Perl, which is the standard scripting
    language in use in the EDA market today. Undertow also has a DFII
    integration environment that allows users to connect their Composer
    schematic window directly to Undertow, and select signals either
    analog or digital directly from their Composer schematic, in order to
    view the data in their PSF binary files. Designers who would like to
    get the Undertow waveform viewer and analog analysis environment can
    down load this software at no cost from and request
    a license directly from a page on this web site.

    Robert Schopmeyer/Veritools, Inc.
    Robert Schopmeyer, Aug 24, 2004
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