Autospeed for AutoCAD

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by lheureuxph, Mar 30, 2005.

  1. lheureuxph

    lheureuxph Guest

    Automatic translation

    Autospeed, a new concept for the unifilar drawing under Autocad

    Autospeed revolutionizes all the principle of seizure under Autocad. Forget
    the icones and the unrolling menus bus maintaining all occurs by
    instantaneous jumps between your zone from drawing and your zone from

    see on line demo

    in french

    Autospeed , un nouveau concept pour le dessin unifilaire sous Autocad

    Un logiciel , un de plus et pourtant celui ci révolutionne carrement tout le
    principe de saisie sous Autocad. Oubliez les icones et les menus déroulants
    car maintenant tout se passe par sauts instantanés entre votre zone de
    dessin et votre zone de légende.

    Voir démonstration en ligne sur

    lheureuxph, Mar 30, 2005
  2. lheureuxph

    Tim Arheit Guest

    Unfortunately the automatic translation does a really poor job here.
    I have no clue what it's trying to say. It may be worth haveing
    someone manually translate the add.

    (I try to avoid any seizure of Autocad myself)

    Tim Arheit, Mar 31, 2005
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