AutoSketch9 & HP7580

Discussion in 'AutoSketch' started by allitt, Apr 1, 2005.

  1. allitt

    allitt Guest

    Struggling student needs options to print using an HP7580B. Using AutoSketch 9 in an XP professional environment, with installed microsoft HPGL/2 driver.

    What cost effective options, approaches, software, or conversions will allow me to use HP7580 to print out AutoSketch 9 work?

    I know winline exists but $200 is a prohibitive solution..
    allitt, Apr 1, 2005
  2. allitt

    Len Rafuse Guest

    What exactly is the problem plotting from AS9?
    Len Rafuse, Apr 1, 2005
  3. allitt

    allitt Guest


    I was able to test a print file by using the command "copy filename.plt com1:

    SO I know that works and drives the printer using the competitions print driver. After I have a file in autosketch do I do the same thing. I mean save to a file type .plt and then manually copy to the plotter?

    V/R Ed
    allitt, Apr 1, 2005
  4. allitt

    Len Rafuse Guest

    You should be able to set the printer to print to file in windows
    printer window. It should then make a plot file.
    Len Rafuse, Apr 2, 2005
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