AutoNumber Routine Help...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by akdrafter, Dec 30, 2003.

  1. akdrafter

    akdrafter Guest

    Hello All,
    How do I get the following routine to "Cleanly" quit running when the user is done picking points for the incremental numbers by hitting enter. As it is now you have to hit "ESC" to end the routine and the routine basically works but if you hit enter without selecting a point it basically bombs.

    Any help is appreciated and shall be noted in the final routine.

    "Catch" Ya Later,

    (defun c:ABC (/)
    (setq DIMSC(getvar "DIMSCALE"))
    (setq HIT (* DIMSC 0.12500000))
    (setq NBR (getint "Enter The First Number:"))
    (setq X 1)
    (while X
    (setq PT (getpoint "\nSelect Point:"))
    (command "text" "j" "BC" PT HIT "0.00000000" NBR)
    (setq NBR (+ NBR 1))
    akdrafter, Dec 30, 2003
  2. akdrafter

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    It's not a perfect world we live in.

    I would suggest you use 'entmake' and have the text created to your specs.

    If the user or anyone defines a height for the 'Textstyle' the utility will

    Authorized Developer

    is done picking points for the incremental numbers by hitting enter. As it
    is now you have to hit "ESC" to end the routine and the routine basically
    works but if you hit enter without selecting a point it basically bombs.
    Rudy Tovar, Dec 30, 2003
  3. akdrafter

    akdrafter Guest

    and how would I do such a thing? :)

    "Catch" Ya Later,
    akdrafter, Jan 6, 2004
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