Automation Error Null extents

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rolf Rosenquist, Apr 3, 2004.

  1. when using (vla-getboundingbox (vlax-ename->vla-object ename) 'll 'ur) the
    program halts and I get the above message.

    any explanatiom! I use the same sequense in other part of my program and
    there it works fine.

    Rolf Rosenquist, Apr 3, 2004
  2. Hi Rolf,
    I don't know what you pass into that function, but
    check if this object is
    a proxy
    an other object
    which has no geometry to be calculated (dictionary ?)

    Eg: if it is a proxy, you won't get the boundingbox because
    the object is not known to ACAD and it's method to calculate
    it's geometry.

    Regards Dieter
    Dieter Berger, Apr 3, 2004
  3. Dieter!
    I have a selection set filtered on Blocks and Solids and a layerlist. I
    didn' know that Layername was case-sensitive. I have 4 layers, which are
    filtered from the layerlist. Among them "ASHADE". When I write Ashade the
    layer won't be filtered out. And I suppose that all the Block on that layer
    probably give me the problem.

    Rolf Rosenquist, Apr 3, 2004
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