Automation Error - Lisp & VBA

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Christopher Peltier, May 6, 2004.

  1. I have 2 workstations at my office that give an "Automation Error: Unknown
    Error" when they try to run some custom scripts that I have written. Other
    workstations in my company run them just fine. I can view them in VBA on the
    workstation and can attempt to step through the code, however I get the same
    error & it highlights the SUB call of the function I am attempting to run.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Christopher Peltier, May 6, 2004
  2. Chris,

    Sounds like the VBA support was not installed for AutoCAD on those two
    workstations (I've ran into this same problem before). You should to a
    repair / reinstall and make sure VBA support is checked in the custom
    install list.
    Phil Kenewell, May 6, 2004
  3. Ok, so I have done a bit more research...I reinstalled his AutoCAD,
    verifying that VBA support was selected and it was. I unloaded my custom
    scripts and wrote a simple Hello World script, and that worked fine. Once I
    load my script the machine gives the automation error.

    I copied my code into a new project on that machine & it works fine....the
    few tests I can run, while the user is away from his computer. I think it
    must be a reference that I am making in my original project, but I can't
    narrow it down to 1 specific reference. When I created the new project on
    his machine I made the same references, and no errors.

    Thank You for your help, and I will be sure to post my final solution.

    Christopher Peltier, May 6, 2004
  4. Hmmm... Yes, a missing reference would cause the automation error, but those
    are usually pretty easy to find. Perhaps one of the reference objects has a
    corrupted file? couldn't tell for sure. Sounds like you at least got it up
    and running again. That's good.
    Phil Kenewell, May 6, 2004
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