Automating Plot with Macros

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pmind, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. pmind

    pmind Guest

    I'm attempting to take a load of work off of my back by creating an
    automated print macro for our drafting department. Our current
    workflow requires that we produce a PDF copy of every drawing we
    generate - as well as a hardcopy. We are using AutoCAD 2008 along with
    Adobe Acrobat 3D Version 8. Thus far, it has been the job of a single
    person (me) to convert every drawing to PDF; I would like to simplify
    the process. I currently have custom page setups for each of the sizes
    we use; which I import for every drawing (very time consuming). I can
    not save my custom page setups to the individual DWG files as they are
    write protected. My idea is to create a custom toolbar with "A", "B",
    "C", "D" buttons on it, linked to these buttons would be a macro that
    loads the plot settings for that size drawing and then executes the
    plot to PDF. Ideally the plot would be seamless (no dialog boxes). As
    an added twist I would also like (if possible) to send the plot to a
    laser printer at the same time. In a perfect world I would be able to
    print a hardcopy from the newly created PDF, this is because prints
    from PDF look much better than DWG's when they are reduced in size (we
    print B, C & D sizes all on B size paper). I realize that generating a
    hardcopy from a PDF is more of an Acrobat issue that an AutoCAD issue.
    I can live with having to generate hard copies separately; the
    automation process is the most important goal for now. Does anyone
    know if this is possible? Would it be best handled with LISP or VBA? I
    have no knowledge of LISP and have only used VBA in Office with the
    aid of a Macro recorder. Furthermore, Joe Sutphin was kind enough to
    send me a copy of his VBA macro recorder to experiment with; results
    to follow. Any advice you can provide will be appreciated. Paul
    pmind, Feb 28, 2008
  2. pmind

    sakoguy Guest

    Do you use the layout tabs (paper space)? That is where you are
    supposed to plot from in AutoCAD. If you are using the layout tabs and
    the version of Acrobat loaded a Windows PDF printer then you can
    configure a template with all the appropriate paper size layouts and
    those layouts can have page setups to print right to a PDF file. A
    custom tool button can be made to run a script or lisp that will print
    to a specific page setup.
    I don't know much VBA, but I'm sure someone out there or consultant on
    the internet could write you a routine to plot the current drawing or
    drawings using the print tools you set up.
    If you are not using layouts or paper space then you need to get up to
    speed with those concepts to be able to utilize all the plotting tools
    in AutoCAD. Most of them are geared to drawings set up that way.

    sakoguy, Feb 29, 2008
  3. pmind

    pmind Guest

    Thanks Daryl, but I'm more than familiar with Paper Space, however my
    company does not, and will not use it. Everything is done from Model
    Space. They are creating manufacturing drawings for products that are
    smaller than the border size. I tried to institute the Paper Space
    concept when 2000i was released and I was shot down. Also, I do not
    set the CAD standards for the drafting dept., rather I work in support
    of various departments. Paul
    pmind, Feb 29, 2008
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