Automating model creation

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Jost Weber, Mar 26, 2005.

  1. Jost Weber

    Jost Weber Guest

    I got a question on how to control parameters of a model from outside.
    E.g. for a cylinder, length and diameter are given via some text files
    and it is desired to create the model automatically without any user
    interaction. What is best practice here ?
    Since I am new to ProE, I followed some articles where this can be done
    via ProE/Toolkit or Jlink. Has someone already explored this ?


    Dipl.-Ing. Jost Weber

    Institut für Technische Mechanik
    RWTH Aachen
    Templergraben 64
    D-52056 Aachen

    Tel.: +49-241-80-94622
    Fax.: +49-241-80-92923
    Jost Weber, Mar 26, 2005
  2. Jost Weber

    Dan Richards Guest

    It might be easier with Jlink or Toolkit but you can read in a text file
    without either of them, in fact they would utilize that functionality in
    order to do it also.

    I got a question on how to control parameters of a model from outside.
    E.g. for a cylinder, length and diameter are given via some text files
    and it is desired to create the model automatically without any user
    interaction. What is best practice here ?
    Since I am new to ProE, I followed some articles where this can be done
    via ProE/Toolkit or Jlink. Has someone already explored this ?


    Dipl.-Ing. Jost Weber

    Institut für Technische Mechanik
    RWTH Aachen
    Templergraben 64
    D-52056 Aachen

    Tel.: +49-241-80-94622
    Fax.: +49-241-80-92923
    Dan Richards, Mar 27, 2005
  3. Jost Weber

    David Janes Guest

    I think what Dan is talking about is Pro/PROGRAM. When the parameters and
    relations have been defined in program, the next time the file is opened, it asks
    whether you want to regen with 'Current vals', 'Enter' or 'From file'. If you pick
    the latter, it asks for a file name that has a saved program. You can edit this
    saved program from any text editor. When read and the file saved, this will be the
    new program saved with the part. You also access J-Link through the same
    'Tools>Progarm' Menu Manager function list.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Mar 27, 2005
  4. Jost Weber

    Jost Weber Guest

    Hi David,
    thanks for hinting me to Pro/Program.
    I was looking for something non-interactively assuming that there might
    be a batch mode for generating the model. Then, I can couple ProE with
    an external program code to get the geometry automatically created. It
    seems more and more to me that I have to use Jlink (for Toolkit, I do
    not have a license)


    Dipl.-Ing. Jost Weber

    Institut für Technische Mechanik
    RWTH Aachen
    Templergraben 64
    D-52056 Aachen

    Tel.: +49-241-80-94622
    Fax.: +49-241-80-92923
    Jost Weber, Mar 29, 2005
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