Automatically Load Lightweight option gets turned OFF

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by POH, Mar 30, 2005.

  1. POH

    POH Guest

    Currently I'm using SolidWorks 2005 SP2.0; however, the following
    problem is not new with this latest service pack:

    I typically work with the performance option for assemblies to load
    components lightweight turned ON. (The same is true for Large Assembly

    For some unknown reason, I repeatedly find that the performance option
    for assemblies loading lightweight is intermittently turned OFF without
    any user intervention. Often when I assume that lightweight loading is
    enabled and happen to be in a hurry to load a large assembly
    (especially when asked to do a quick presentation), SolidWorks ends up
    laboring to load each and every file while resolving them. (Maybe the
    program just senses my impatience level and acts accordingly...)

    Please shed some light on the root cause of this highly undesirable
    intermittent system option toggle.

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Mar 30, 2005
  2. POH

    matt Guest


    I don't know if this is the same as a problem I recently ran into or not.
    It turns out that Large Assembly Mode is saved with the file. Normally you
    would think that since this was a System Option that it would not be file
    specific, but it is. So, if you had LAM turned on, but for some reason had
    lightweight turned off in LAM, its conceivable for it to do what you are
    saying with specific files, not with new ones, and it wouldn't follow the

    To me, when a System Option works like a Document Property, it sounds like
    a bug to me, but of course to SW this was "working as designed", I suppose
    without thought to if it is designed properly or not.

    matt, Mar 30, 2005
  3. POH

    POH Guest


    I understand your suggestion that a System Option masquerading as a
    Document Property could be acting to override the System Option itself;
    however, I'm finding that an assembly which I open (automatically
    lightweight), work on for a while, save, close and then re-open can be
    forced to load RESOLVED the second time around.

    This may happen as the result of my multi-tasking with the opening of
    other unrelated assemblies during a particular session of SolidWorks,
    but my question (and concern) is HOW does the System Option get toggled

    It's one thing for an option to be ignored (or overridden) for some
    reason, but for it to be randomly shut OFF is quite another.

    POH, Mar 30, 2005
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