Automatic Tab/layer states

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by dennisg, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. dennisg

    dennisg Guest

    There is a utility that returns you to the layer state you set up with each
    tab/sheet set up. Can anyone tell me where to get that utility?
    dennisg, Aug 6, 2004
  2. dennisg

    doug k Guest

    look for loswitch
    doug k, Aug 6, 2004
  3. dennisg

    dennisg Guest

    k, thanks, that is what I thought. I am having problems with this utility,
    seems it just started today to not keep my settings after I open a new
    drawing or close AutoCAD, has anybody had this happen, if so any ideas on a
    dennisg, Aug 6, 2004
  4. dennisg

    doug k Guest

    one thing to try is make sure layer 0 is current (or any layer that is
    always on/thawed in your drawings) before you save your layer states.

    are you using 2005 and the layer state manager within the layer dialog to
    save states, or a 3rd party app (like toolpac)?

    maybe terry will see this and chime in.
    doug k, Aug 6, 2004
  5. dennisg

    dennisg Guest

    I am using 2000, with the layer states within the layer properties.
    dennisg, Aug 6, 2004
  6. dennisg

    doug k Guest

    sorry, i cannot offer further assistance then.

    i have only used loswitch with 2005
    doug k, Aug 9, 2004
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