automatic save

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by LoLo, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. LoLo

    LoLo Guest


    Is there a possibility that the automatic save deactivates itself ? is it a
    known bug?
    I noticed that fact several times but not totally sure of it. So i ask.
    Thank you.
    (autocad 2006 / windows XP sp2)
    LoLo, Jul 1, 2008
  2. LoLo

    strawberry Guest

    Try to get into the habit of saving regularly, at appropriate moments.
    You could also try adding something like this to a button, an existing
    command macro, or your startup lsp folder (acad.lsp?) - but make a
    copy of the file first!:

    (if (< (getvar "savetime") 1)(setvar "savetime" 5))
    strawberry, Jul 2, 2008
  3. LoLo

    LoLo Guest

    thank you
    LoLo, Jul 3, 2008
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