Automatic Model Filename In Drawing Note

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dataman, Aug 30, 2007.

  1. Dataman

    Dataman Guest


    Its been awhile since I messed with drawing notes and automation.
    Looking for a little help. I would like to add a note to a drawing
    with a leader on it attached to a part in an assembly where it picks
    up the part name of the model the leader is pointing at

    I know I can do this through the use of custom properties, but the
    flaw there is that if someone does a Save As the custom property will
    have the old part number in it. I am wondering is there and internal
    property SW has that allows the picking up of the individual parts
    within the assembly drawing. Sort of like the mass property that
    updates all the time as the part is altered.


    Dataman, Aug 30, 2007
  2. Dataman

    j Guest

    While editing the note, there is a link icon in the feature manager that
    will allow you to add a filename link to the part that the note is
    attached to.
    j, Aug 30, 2007
  3. Dataman

    fcsuper Guest


    In addition to i's comments, you can directly associate the drawing
    annotation notes to the model's custom properties. Here's some brief
    instructions on that:
    Either way, you can control the properties themselves from
    FILE>PROPERTIES. If you would like, there are custom property editors
    like found at my site ( and Lenny's (http://

    Matt Lorono
    fcsuper, Aug 30, 2007
  4. Dataman

    Dataman Guest

    Bingo - actually i should have known that one - thanks!!!
    Dataman, Aug 30, 2007
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