Automated save file attribute

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dr Fleau, Jun 8, 2004.

  1. Dr Fleau

    Dr Fleau Guest

    In my office, the guys who touch CAD (believe me, there are a few) refuse to use any kind
    of structured policy on saving files. So they open them up, change things around, and save
    them elsewhere. It's been like that for years, and everyone just deals with it.
    My intention is to have an attribute in the title block automatically fetch the save file
    path and insert it in the drawing. Upon printing, it would make it easy to find it.
    I would much prefer a single work path, or an organised procedure, but I must put that on
    the back-burner for now.

    Any help ?

    Thanx a bunch

    We are born naked, cold and hungry. Then things get worse.
    Dr Fleau, Jun 8, 2004
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