automated revision cloud?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Michael Pape & Associates, Aug 5, 2004.

  1. Michael Pape & Associates

    Tim Guest

    draw a lwpolyline and then run "convertpoly" and change it pack to a regular

    Tim W.

    polylines, but they all came back as being "LWPOLYLINE", so if you list one
    (with entget) and post it, then I can see about doing that.
    Tim, Aug 5, 2004
  2. Michael Pape & Associates

    T.Willey Guest

    Here is one that will change a "polyline" to a "lwpolyline" and ask you if you want it closed or not. If you chose not to close it, then it exits the lisp. I also added the command undo while testing. If you don't want them in just take them out.


    (defun pcloud (/ op1)

    (command "_.undo" "end")
    (command "_.undo" "group")
    (setq pcd1 (entsel "\nSelect closed polyline: "))
    (if pcd1
    (setq pcd1 (entget (car pcd1)))
    (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 pcd1)) "POLYLINE")
    (command "_.convertpoly" "l" (cdr (assoc -1 pcd1)) "")
    (setq pcd1 (entget (cdr (assoc -1 pcd1))))
    ); progn
    ); if
    (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 pcd1)) "LWPOLYLINE")
    (if (= (cdr (assoc 70 pcd1)) 1)
    (verticepoints pcd1)
    (initget "Y N")
    (setq op1 (getkword "\nPolyline is not closed. Would you like to close it? [<Y>,N]: "))
    (if (not op1)
    (setq op1 "Y")
    ); if
    (if (= (strcase op1) "Y")
    (setq pcd1 (subst (cons 70 1) (assoc 70 pcd1) pcd1))
    (entmod pcd1)
    (entupd (cdr (assoc -1 pcd1)))
    (verticepoints pcd1)
    ); progn
    (vl-exit-with-value nil)
    ); if
    ); if
    (princ "\nObject selected is not a polyline. ")
    ); if
    ); progn
    (princ "\n Nothing selected: ")
    ); if
    (command "_.undo" "end")


    (defun VerticePoints(poly1 / n vpl)

    (setq n 0)
    (while (nth n poly1)
    (if (= (car (nth n poly1)) 10)
    (setq vpl (append vpl (list (cdr (nth n poly1)))))
    (setq n (1+ n))
    (command "_.erase" (cdr (assoc -1 pcd1)) "")
    (if (= op1 "Y")
    (setq vpl (reverse (cdr (reverse vpl))))
    (if (> (angle (car vpl) (cadr vpl)) 3.14159)
    (setq vpl (reverse vpl))
    (getangs (reverse vpl))


    (defun getangs (vpts / alist dlist)

    (setq vpts (append vpts (list (car vpts))))
    (while (> (vl-list-length vpts) 1)
    (setq alist (append alist (list (angle (car vpts) (cadr vpts)))))
    (setq dlist (append dlist (list (distance (car vpts) (cadr vpts)))))
    (setq vpts (cdr vpts))
    (drpcld alist dlist (car vpts))


    (defun drpcld (ang0 dist0 start / dist2 pt1 sc1 cdsc pclss cnt1 cnt2 rad1 adist)

    (if (>= (getvar"cvport") 2)
    (setq sc1 (getvar "DIMSCALE"))
    (setq sc1 1)
    (setq dist2 0
    pt1 start
    dist1 (car dist0)
    ang1 (car ang0)
    cdsc (* sc1 0.03125)
    rad1 0.65
    pclss (ssadd)
    cnt1 (vl-list-length dist0)
    cnt2 1
    (if (> dist1 3)
    (setq adist 1.0)
    (setq adist (* dist1 0.3333))
    (repeat cnt1
    (while (< dist2 dist1)
    (if (and (> (1+ dist2) dist1) (= cnt2 cnt1))
    (setq pt2 start)
    (setq rad1 (* (distance pt1 pt2) 0.65))
    (setq pt2 (polar pt1 ang1 adist))
    (command "_.arc" pt1 "e" pt2 "r" rad1)
    (command "_.pedit" (entlast) "y" "e" "w" cdsc "0" "x" "")
    (ssadd (entlast) pclss)
    (setq dist2 (1+ dist2)
    pt1 pt2
    (setq dist2 0
    ang0 (cdr ang0)
    ang1 (car ang0)
    dist0 (cdr dist0)
    dist1 (car dist0)
    cnt2 (1+ cnt2)
    (if dist1
    (if (> dist1 3)
    (setq adist 1.0)
    (setq adist (* dist1 0.3333))
    (command "_.pedit" "m" pclss "" "j" "" "")

    T.Willey, Aug 5, 2004
  3. Michael Pape & Associates

    Tim Guest

    Works as advertised...

    Thanks For Reworking it.

    Tim W.

    you want it closed or not. If you chose not to close it, then it exits the
    lisp. I also added the command undo while testing. If you don't want them
    in just take them out.
    Tim, Aug 6, 2004
  4. Michael Pape & Associates

    GaryDF Guest

    Good routine..............................You might need this too


    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Flip the Bulges Function
    ;;;You can also flip the bulges with this code
    ;;;Peter Jamtjaard
    (setq EOBJ (vlax-ename->vla-object
    (car (entsel "\n* Select pline: "))
    (if EOBJ
    (setq COORDS (vlax-safearray->list
    (vla-get-coordinates EOBJ)
    (setq CNT 0)
    (if (or (= (vla-get-objectname EOBJ) "AcDb2dPolyline")
    (= (vla-get-objectname EOBJ) "AcDb3dPolyline")
    (setq DIV 3)
    (setq DIV 2)
    (while (< CNT (/ (length COORDS) DIV))
    (if (< (vla-getbulge EOBJ CNT) 0.0)
    (vla-setbulge EOBJ CNT 1.0)
    (vla-setbulge EOBJ CNT -1.0)
    (setq CNT (1+ CNT))

    GaryDF, Aug 6, 2004
  5. Michael Pape & Associates

    T.Willey Guest


    I added a check with the last one I posted. It asks if it's shown right, if not then it flips the way the buldges go, either inside or outside like a revision cloud.

    T.Willey, Aug 6, 2004
  6. Michael Pape & Associates

    GaryDF Guest

    I quess I missed that...I got no prompt for flipping the bulge........


    not then it flips the way the buldges go, either inside or outside like a
    revision cloud.
    GaryDF, Aug 6, 2004
  7. Wow, all the responses!! I've been out sick since Thursday, so I'll go
    through all these and see what works. Thanks so much for all your help!!
    Michael Pape & Associates, Aug 9, 2004
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