automated model "patching"?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by post, Jun 18, 2008.

  1. post

    post Guest

    greets all.
    wasn't sure how to title this. am wondering if it is possible
    to generate .. lets say.. "update patches" for solidworks models..
    something that would eliminate the need to keep transferring
    large models for minor updates.

    Here's what I'd like it to do:
    - run a comparison between two files (one updated, one old)
    - generate some kind of executable that contains only the changes
    - send only this executable to customers/clients
    - they run the update on the old model they already have

    When I can, of course, I send only the updated components ..
    but sometimes changes affect such a large portion -- I'd be
    great to just send an "update" instead of resending the entire

    What're the chances?

    post, Jun 18, 2008
  2. post

    TOP Guest

    The first part of that functionality is in SW if you have Utilities.
    It will compare Assemblies and report on what is different from a
    geometrical point of view. Some PDM systems will also track what has
    been changed. Utilities will also compare parts.

    As far as a "patch" executable in the sense of a software patch, that
    does not exist. The best you can do is pack up the files in a way that
    when unzipped in the right folder they will drop into the same folder
    structure that they have in the original assembly.

    If you are thinking of "patching" a part within itself all I can think
    of is whole part replacement.

    The most problematic is "patching" part and assembly drawings. If you
    replace features or parts in an assembly it is likely the drawings
    may lose track of edges and therefore develop the "dangles" which
    manifest themselves in brown stuff all over the print.

    TOP, Jun 24, 2008
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