automated conversion

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by rewilson, Jan 8, 2004.

  1. rewilson

    rewilson Guest

    I have a number of vendor supplied drawings to convert to our standards, which I plan to do do using express tools layer merge in a script. What I can't seem to accomplish is importing the standard layer list from our template into the vendor drawing. It has to be easier than I'm making it. Any ideas? TIA
    rewilson, Jan 8, 2004
  2. rewilson

    Odie Silva Guest

    One problem is that each vendor can have a different layer spec. Why not to
    use Express Tools "Translayer"?
    You can call your template file, assign each layer to the right destination
    and save it for future use if
    I read you correctly.


    which I plan to do do using express tools layer merge in a script. What I
    can't seem to accomplish is importing the standard layer list from our
    template into the vendor drawing. It has to be easier than I'm making it.
    Any ideas? TIA
    Odie Silva, Jan 8, 2004
  3. rewilson

    rewilson Guest

    Thanks for the reply. The problem with doing it with using express tools is that the powers that be don't really want to
    pay someone to sit there and do it manually. I've solved the problem of getting my layers into the drawing by inserting a blank drawing made from our template. That may not be the best way to do it, but it works. Now I just need to get their
    entities from their layers to ours, and purge their layers. Simple stuff, right? Thanks for your help.
    rewilson, Jan 8, 2004
  4. Hi,

    Surely the easiest way to do this would be to create a file showing the
    vendor's layer and your equivalent layer for each vendor.

    Then write a program to read the file and rename the layers.

    The only user input required would be to select the relevant file. Or you
    could make it even easier by including all vendor's layers in one file.

    Vendor Layer MyLayer
    Door Doors
    GarageDoor Doors
    G_Door Doors
    Window Windows



    Laurie Comerford

    is that the powers that be don't really want to
    getting my layers into the drawing by inserting a blank drawing made from
    our template. That may not be the best way to do it, but it works. Now I
    just need to get their
    right? Thanks for your help.
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 8, 2004
  5. rewilson

    ECCAD Guest

    Pardon me boning in here, but there is another problem to consider. IF the existing drawings have 'blocks' that have been built to (non-standard) layers, renaming the layers could be a real night-mare. Blocks tend to keep their properties, i.e. entities within block (if bylayer) would work, but specific entity on a (wrong) layer won't transfer.
    ECCAD, Jan 8, 2004
  6. Hi Bob,

    I just imported a block where the block data was on a layer which didn't
    exist in my drawing. (AutoCAD 2002)

    I renamed the layer without apparent problem and after exploding the block,
    its data was on the renamed layer.

    The only item that would need checking was that the layer did not already
    exist in which case all objects on another layer intended for that layer
    would have to have their layer name changed. That it not at all difficult
    for a program to do.


    Laurie Comerford

    existing drawings have 'blocks' that have been built to (non-standard)
    layers, renaming the layers could be a real night-mare. Blocks tend to keep
    their properties, i.e. entities within block (if bylayer) would work, but
    specific entity on a (wrong) layer won't transfer.
    Laurie Comerford, Jan 8, 2004
  7. rewilson

    rewilson Guest

    This could be even more interesting. I've got the layer issue
    resolved via a lisp routine, what I can't resolve is the fact that
    they use ctb plotstyles, and we use stb plotstyles. The only
    thing I've been able to come up with is to copyclip the drawing
    and paste it on our template.However, naming the new drawing to overwrite their file is somewhat, shall we say,
    "challenging". Any suggestions? TIA
    rewilson, Jan 10, 2004
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