AutoLoading VB Utility

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Guest, May 8, 2004.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest


    I have only worked with ObjectARX, but recently have a VB application that I
    need to autoload into AutoCAD. With ARX it was very easy to demand-load
    through the registry. Is VB capable of the same thing?

    I am trying to avoid using Autolisp to load the application.

    Guest, May 8, 2004
  2. Guest

    Mark Propst Guest

    Sub Startup()

    Mark Propst, May 8, 2004
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest


    Thanks for the reply. I do know about the Acad.dvb but was looking for a
    better way to do this. The problem I have with this is that in some
    environments these files get changed, just like the Acad.rx with ARX files.
    But it is looking like that is going to be the best way to do things.
    Guest, May 8, 2004
  4. Guest

    Mark Propst Guest

    so if you can call an arx func with no prob, does c++ not have a way to
    execute a vb app?
    and if it's a vb app, if it's an exe couldn't you use startapp in an event
    in arx? or if it's a dll can an arx not call a dll?
    exhibiting my ignorance of C++ here as you can tell!

    <CadMan2> wrote in message news:409c2640$1_2@newsprd01...
    Mark Propst, May 8, 2004
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    We are trying to avoid ARX all together. We have a very simple application
    that needs to be compatible with all Releases of AutoCAD (2000, 2000i, 2002,
    2004 & 2005). ObjectARX must be compiled for each version of AutoCAD (thanks
    Autodesk!) and we don't have the patience to do this.
    Guest, May 8, 2004
  6. Hi,

    In practical terms, Lisp is the only thing which will remain substantively
    constant from version to version. Anything using ActiveX with the AutoCAD
    libraries will require different versions unless you set up a "late binding"
    after determining the version of AutoCAD to start. As you are finding
    setting up to this is probably more trouble than maintaining multiple
    version of your program.


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, May 8, 2004
  7. What's wrong with using LISP, and adding it to
    the startup suite (which you can do from an installer)?
    Tony Tanzillo, May 8, 2004
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