AutoLISP subtration error

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Cliff Davis, Jan 20, 2004.

  1. Cliff Davis

    Cliff Davis Guest

    Using the following code where line1 is a 180d line, the idea is to reduce it to 0 in order to compare it another line that I will
    be doing the same thing to.

    (setq *pi90* (* pi 0.5))

    ; to set the angle of the line assume 180d for my porpose
    (setq line1_angle (angle (dxf 10 (setq line1_list (entget line1))) (dxf 11 line1_list)))

    (while (>= line1_angle *pi90*) (setq line1_angle (- line1_angle *pi90*)))

    The problem is that "line1_angle" solves to
    instead of 0.0.

    Is there a reason that this is not solving to 0.00, is this a known issue. Is there some known fix for this?
    Cliff Davis, Jan 20, 2004
  2. Cliff Davis

    Tom Berger Guest

    Yes. The reason is that no computer ever will have enough memory to
    store PI in full accuracy. And of course: no oldfashioned
    mathematician will ever have enough paper to write down PI to full

    There is no difference between computer based math and paper based
    math: comparing results of calculations which are based on real
    numbers like PI will always have limited accuracy.
    Yes, of course.
    Compare with EQUAL and a fuzzy value to give a bandwidth for the
    accuracy which will fullfill your needs. Something like
    (equal PI 3.14 0.01)

    Tom Berger
    Tom Berger, Jan 20, 2004
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