AutoLISP question

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Steven (remove wax for reply), Aug 9, 2003.

  1. I have just been introduced to Lisp, but I still have not written
    anything of my own. I'm using the program at the end of this posting
    to convert multiple TEXT entries into a single MTEXT.

    When the TEXT entities are all left justified, it's great. But if the
    original TEXT is center or right justified, it still pushes them to
    the left.

    It would be better if the routine made the new MTEXT entity with the
    same formatting as the original TEXT. It looks like the variable
    'text_horj' is supposed to do that, but something isn't working.

    Can someone tell me what to change? Or, point me to some pointers
    online? I studied the Lisp variant, Scheme, so I'm not a complete
    novice but that was 9 years ago.

    The next best thing would be a Lisp function that changes the
    formatting of the selected TEXT or MTEXT entities to Center.


    ;;;;;;Revised by Dave Perry to work in Release 14 12/2/98
    ;; Visit
    ;;;;;;Note: Revisions that I made are noted.
    ;*** TX2MTX.lsp
    ; By Don J. Buschert
    ; Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
    ; 1301 - 16th Ave. N.W.
    ; Calgary, Alberta Canada
    ; T2M 0L4
    ; Version 1.0 05/09/96
    ; TX2MTX converts multiple lines of TEXT objects to an MTEXT
    object using
    ; the current text height while maintaining overall string
    width. Text can
    ; be selected by picking, windowing or crossing; TX2MTX will
    sort the lines
    ; by their Y value (note: The selected text must have a
    rotation of 0 in
    ; order for this feature to work). The selected text's layer
    and color will
    ; be passed to the new mtext object. If selected lines of text
    have different
    ; layers, colors, and styles; the line which has the greatest Y
    value will
    ; determine the layer and color for the mtext.
    ;*** Function TX2MTX_PROCESS
    ;This functions processes the selected text by sorting the text object
    ;set in order with the highest Y values at the beginning. Then it
    erase the
    ;original selected text and draws the mtext object.
    (defun TX2MTX_PROCESS ( / )
    (princ "\nSorting text...")
    ;create dotted pair list of text Y insertions points and string
    (setq indx 0);set the index
    (setq text_widt 0.0);set the text width to zero
    (repeat (sslength sst2);repeat for each text object
    (setq enam (ssname sst2 indx));get object name
    (setq yval (caddr (assoc '10 (entget enam))));get y value
    (if (> (setq widt (car (cadr (textbox (entget enam)))));is text
    text_widt ;greater
    than current?
    (setq text_widt widt);if so, replace original text width

    (setq dtpr (cons yval indx));create dotted pair
    (if dtpr_list ;if dotted pair list exists,
    (setq dtpr_list (cons dtpr dtpr_list));then append
    (setq dtpr_list (list dtpr));else create it
    ;increase index
    (setq indx (1+ indx));set the index

    ;create list of y values
    (foreach n dtpr_list ;for each item in the dotted pair list...
    (setq yval (car n));get the y value
    (if yval_list ;if the y value list exists,
    (setq yval_list (cons yval yval_list));add
    (setq yval_list (list yval));else create

    ;sort the y value list
    (while (> (length yval_list) 1);as long as more than 1 element...
    (setq yval (apply 'MIN yval_list));get the min Y value
    (if yval_slis ;if the Y value sorted list exists,
    (setq yval_slis (cons yval yval_slis));add
    (setq yval_slis (list yval));else create
    ;remove the y value from the y value list
    (setq yval_list (remove_elem yval yval_list))


    ;add the last element to the sorted y value list
    (if yval_slis ;if the Y value sorted list exists,
    (setq yval_slis (cons (car yval_list) yval_slis));add
    (setq yval_slis (list (car yval_list)));else create

    ;create a text index list of text based on the sorted Y value list
    (foreach n yval_slis ;for each element in the sorted Y value list...
    (setq text (cdr (assoc n dtpr_list)));get the text index
    ;if text index list exists
    (if text_list
    (setq text_list (cons text text_list));add to list
    (setq text_list (list text));else create it.

    ;reverse the order of the text index list
    (setq text_list (reverse text_list))

    ;create a text string list for each element in the text index list
    (foreach n text_list
    (setq text_valu (cdr (assoc 1 (entget (ssname sst2 n)))));get
    string value
    (if text_valu_list
    (setq text_valu_list (cons text_valu text_valu_list));add to
    (setq text_valu_list (list text_valu));else, create

    ;reverse the order of the text value list
    (setq text_valu_list (reverse text_valu_list))
    ;set the text string value of the mtext based on text_valu_list
    (setq text_strg "")
    (foreach n text_valu_list
    (setq text_strg (strcat text_strg n " "))
    ;grab insertion point, justification, width, layer and color of
    first text object
    (setq text_inse (cdr (assoc 10 (entget (ssname sst2 (car
    (setq text_ins2 (cdr (assoc 11 (entget (ssname sst2 (car
    (setq text_horj (cdr (assoc 72 (entget (ssname sst2 (car
    (setq text_verj (cdr (assoc 73 (entget (ssname sst2 (car
    (setq text_layr (cdr (assoc 8 (entget (ssname sst2 (car
    (setq text_colr (cdr (assoc 62 (entget (ssname sst2 (car
    (setq text_heig (cdr (assoc 40 (entget (ssname sst2 (car
    (setq text_styl (cdr (assoc 7 (entget (ssname sst2 (car

    ;determine mtext attach based on first text line...
    ((eq text_horj 0);left justified
    (setq text_atch "TL" )
    (setq text_inse (list (car text_inse)(+ (cadr text_inse)
    text_heig)(caddr text_inse)))
    ((and (eq text_horj 1)(eq text_verj 0));center justified
    (setq text_atch "TC" )
    (setq text_inse (list (car text_ins2)(+ (cadr text_ins2)
    text_heig)(caddr text_ins2)))
    ((and (eq text_horj 1)(eq text_verj 1));bottom center justified
    (setq text_atch "TC" )
    (setq text_inse
    (list (car text_ins2)
    (+ (cadr text_ins2) (+ text_heig (- (cadr
    text_inse)(cadr text_ins2))))
    (caddr text_ins2)
    ((and (eq text_horj 1)(eq text_verj 2));middle center justified
    (setq text_atch "TC" )
    (setq text_inse (list (car text_ins2)(+ (cadr text_ins2) (/
    text_heig 2))(caddr text_ins2)))
    ((and (eq text_horj 1)(eq text_verj 3));top center justified
    (setq text_atch "TC" )
    (setq text_inse (list (car text_ins2)(cadr text_ins2)(caddr
    ((and (eq text_horj 2)(eq text_verj 0));right justified
    (setq text_atch "TR" )
    (setq text_inse (list (car text_ins2)(+ (cadr text_ins2)
    text_heig)(caddr text_ins2)))
    ((and (eq text_horj 2)(eq text_verj 1));bottom right justified
    (setq text_atch "TR" )
    (setq text_inse
    (list (car text_ins2)
    (+ (cadr text_ins2) (+ text_heig (- (cadr
    text_inse)(cadr text_ins2))))
    (caddr text_ins2)
    ((and (eq text_horj 2)(eq text_verj 2));middle right justified
    (setq text_atch "TR" )
    (setq text_inse (list (car text_ins2)(+ (cadr text_ins2) (/
    text_heig 2))(caddr text_ins2)))
    ((and (eq text_horj 2)(eq text_verj 3));top right justified
    (setq text_atch "TR" )
    (setq text_inse (list (car text_ins2)(cadr text_ins2)(caddr
    ((and (eq text_horj 4)(eq text_verj 0));middle justified
    (setq text_atch "MC")
    (setq text_inse (list (car text_ins2)(+ (cadr text_ins2)
    text_heig)(caddr text_ins2)))
    (T ;if fit or aligned
    (setq text_atch "TL" )
    (setq text_inse (list (car text_inse)(+ (cadr text_inse)
    text_heig)(caddr text_inse)))
    ;set the layer and color
    ;; (setvar "CLAYER" text_layr)
    (if text_colr;if color in entity list
    (setvar "CECOLOR" (itoa text_colr))
    ;erase selected text
    (command ".erase" sst2 "")
    ;insert mtext
    ; (command ".-mtext"
    ; text_inse "a" text_atch "s" text_styl "h" text_heig "w"
    text_widt text_strg "")
    ;;;;;;;;;; the following was added by Dave Perry 12/2/98.
    (setq dp2 (strlen text_strg))
    (while (> dp2 250)
    (setq str1 (substr text_strg 1 250))
    (setq text_strg (substr text_strg 251))
    (setq dp2 (strlen text_strg))
    (setq dp1 (append dp1 (list (cons 3 str1))))
    (setq dp1 (append dp1 (list (cons 1 text_strg))))
    (entmake (append (list '(0 . "MTEXT")
    '(100 . "AcDbEntity")
    '(67 . 0)
    (cons 8 text_layr);
    '(100 . "AcDbMText")
    (list 10 (car text_inse)(cadr text_inse) 0)
    (cons 40 text_heig)
    (cons 41 text_widt)
    '(71 . 1)
    '(72 . 1)
    (cons 7 text_styl)
    '(210 0.0 0.0 1.0)
    '(11 1.0 0.0 0.0)
    (cons 42 text_widt)
    '(43 . 2)
    '(50 . 0)
    dp1 );append
    ;;end of addition by Dave Perry.
    ;*** Function TX2MTX
    ;This program controls and executes the text to mtext functions
    (defun C:TX2MTX ( / coun ;counter
    dtpr ;dotted pair
    dtpr_list ;dotted pair list
    enam ;entity name
    indx ;index
    sst1 ;object selection set
    sst2 ;text only selection set
    sv_cecolor ;"CECOLOR" system variable
    sv_clayer ;"CLAYER" system variable
    text ;text index
    text_atch ;mtext attachment type
    text_colr ;"text object color
    text_heig ;text object height
    text_horj ;text horizontal justification
    text_ins2 ;text alignment point
    text_inse ;text insertion point
    text_layr ;text object layer
    text_list ;text index list
    text_strg ;text string list
    text_styl ;text object style
    text_valu ;text object value
    text_valu_list ;list of text values
    text_verj ;text vertical justification
    text_widt ;width of textbox
    widt ;text width test
    yval ;Y value
    yval_list ;list of Y values
    yval_slis ;Y value sorted list
    str1 ;string sorting variable
    dp1 ;list for str1 added by Dave
    dp2 ;string length added by Dave


    (setq sv_clayer (getvar "clayer"))
    (setq sv_cecolor (getvar "cecolor"))

    ;Define error routine for this command
    (defun tx2mtx_error (s)
    (if (/= s "Function cancelled.");if ^c occurs...
    (princ (strcat "\nError: " s))
    (if old_error (setq *error* old_error))
    (setvar "clayer" sv_clayer)
    (setvar "cecolor" sv_cecolor)
    (setq old_error *error*)
    (setq *error* tx2mtx_error)

    ;select text objects
    (setq sst1 (ssget))
    ;if objects selected...
    (if sst1
    ;create list of text objects only
    (setq coun 0);set counter
    (setq sst2 (ssadd))
    (repeat (sslength sst1)
    ;get ename
    (setq enam (ssname sst1 coun))
    ;test to see if entity is a text object
    (if (eq (cdr (assoc '0 (entget enam))) "TEXT")
    ;check to see if text has rotation angle of 0
    (if (<= (cdr (assoc '50 (entget enam))) 1.0)
    (setq sst2 (ssadd enam sst2));add to selection
    (setq coun (1+ coun))
    (if sst2
    (strcat "\n" (itoa (sslength sst2))
    " text objects found, with horizontal rotation..."
    ;if sst2 is empty, then clear it...
    (if (eq (sslength sst2) 0)
    (setq sst2 nil)
    ;sort text entities by Y value
    (if sst2 (tx2mtx_process))

    ;restore system variables
    (setvar "clayer" sv_clayer)
    (setvar "cecolor" sv_cecolor)
    (setq *error* old_error)
    ;Support functions
    ;*** REMOVE.lsp by c.bethea
    ;This function removes an element from a list and return the list
    ;the element
    (defun REMOVE_ELEM (what from)
    (cdr (member what (reverse from)))
    (cdr (member what from))
    (princ "\nType TX2MTX to begin.")
    Steven (remove wax for reply), Aug 9, 2003
  2. Steven (remove wax for reply)

    john Guest

    I can't help directly but you should bear in mind that Mtext does not
    have the same formatting options as Text. Mtext is generally aligned
    by one of the corners of its bounding box, the default being top-left.

    John B

    Put the "at" in the gap.
    john, Aug 9, 2003
  3. Yes, I figured that much. But there's another similar routine in
    which the developer did figure out how match the justification. The
    MTEXT doesn't end up in exactly the correct location but it can be
    dragged over. Unfortunately, that routine does something else that
    makes it not exactly what I need.

    I guess I can study both of them and eventually combine their best
    features, but I don't have time now.

    Thanks again, and also for the fix the other day.
    Steven (remove wax for reply), Aug 9, 2003
  4. Jeff,

    It works, thanks a lot.


    Steven (remove wax for reply), Aug 9, 2003
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