Autolisp and getting ALTITUDE value

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by domm, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. domm

    domm Guest

    Hi all,

    I need to read the value of "altitude" from the properties of
    a polyline, in Autodesk Land Desktop 2005.

    Does anyone know the command's needed to do this?

    domm, Aug 3, 2004
  2. Hi,

    There are no commands of which I'm aware to publish this data.

    You can get the information with the [Terrain][3D polylines][edit 3D
    polyline] command.

    With VBA you can get the polyline coordinates. You can extract the data and
    format it any way you like.

    Extract of help file below:


    Laurie Comerford

    Sub Example_Coordinates()
    ' This example creates a polyline. It then uses the Coordinates
    ' property to return all the coordinates in the polyline. It then
    ' resets one of the vertices using the Coordinates property.

    Dim plineObj As AcadPolyline

    ' Create Polyline
    Dim points(5) As Double
    points(0) = 3: points(1) = 7: points(2) = 0
    points(3) = 9: points(4) = 2: points(5) = 0
    Set plineObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddPolyline(points)
    ThisDrawing.Regen True

    ' Return all the coordinates of the polyline
    Dim retCoord As Variant
    retCoord = plineObj.Coordinates

    ' Display current coordinates for the first vertex
    MsgBox "The current coordinates of the second vertex are: " & points(3)
    & ", " & points(4) & ", " & points(5), vbInformation, "Coordinates Example"

    ' Modify the coordinate of the second vertex to (5,5,0). Note that in
    ' case of a lightweight Polyline, indices will be different because the
    points are 2D only.
    points(3) = 5
    points(4) = 5
    points(5) = 0
    plineObj.Coordinates = points

    ' Update display
    ThisDrawing.Regen True

    MsgBox "The new coordinates have been set to " & points(3) & ", " &
    points(4) & ", " & points(5), vbInformation, "Coordinates Example"
    End Sub

    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Aug 3, 2004
  3. domm

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Dom

    In addition to Laurie's VBA sample, the counterpart in LISP:
    (defun C:GetPlineCoords ( / CurEnt CurObj ObjNme RetLst TmpLst)
    (setq CurEnt (entsel "\nSelect a Polyline: "))
    (if CurEnt
    (setq CurObj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car CurEnt))
    ObjNme (vla-get-ObjectName CurObj)
    ((eq ObjNme "AcDbPolyline")		;LwPolyline
    (setq TmpLst (vlax-get CurObj 'Coordinates))
    (setq RetLst (cons
    (mapcar '(lambda (l) (nth l TmpLst)) '(0 1))
    RetLst		;2D points
    TmpLst (cddr TmpLst)
    ((wcmatch ObjNme "AcDb*Polyline")	;Old/3DPolyline
    (setq TmpLst (vlax-get CurObj 'Coordinates))
    (setq RetLst (cons
    (mapcar '(lambda (l) (nth l TmpLst)) '(0 1 2))
    RetLst		;3D points
    TmpLst (cdddr TmpLst)
    ((princ "selected object is not a Polyline. "))
    (reverse RetLst)
    Jürg Menzi, Aug 3, 2004
  4. domm

    domm Guest


    Thanks for your quick responces! I have no experience with
    VBA, had a go but couldn't get it running. I have used LISP
    some, and have been able to get the X and Y co-ordinates,
    before, using something similar. But I am needing to get the Altitude.

    I can change it manualy, by selecting the polyline, then right
    clicking, then properties. But I need to do it on lot's, so would
    like a script to save time.

    Is there something like:
    (setq TmpLst (vlax-get CurObj 'Coordinates))

    except using 'Altitude, as using 'Coordinates only gives me
    the X and Y values, not the altitude. If I have understood correctly.

    domm, Aug 3, 2004
  5. domm

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Dom

    I'm not familiar with Autodesk Land Desktop...

    My function returns a point list. A LwPolyline has no z coordinates,
    old style Polylines and 3DPolylines have z coordinates.

    Jürg Menzi, Aug 3, 2004
  6. domm

    MP Guest

    try looking at the "Elevation" property
    (setq TmpElev (vlax-get CurObj 'Elevation))
    MP, Aug 3, 2004
  7. domm

    MP Guest

    I assumed he was talking about lwpolylines "representing contours" of fixed
    rather than 3d polylines
    It's been a while since I worked in civil and back then contours were
    represented (in plan view) by successive polylines - each at it's own
    elevation - or at least labeled as an elevation -
    MP, Aug 3, 2004
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