Autodesk's blogs

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Patrick, Oct 25, 2006.

  1. Patrick

    Patrick Guest

    Autodesk has more and more blogs, Shaan Hurley on his own blog has a
    list of these blogs. The problem is that it takes time to go through
    each of these to read the latest news. Thanks to RSS feeds, you can
    subscribe to these blogs feeds and read them in a RSS agregator, for
    example Thunderbird, the mail client has a RSS reader built in, or the
    latest Internet Explorer, version 7.

    But you can do much better than that!

    What if all these feeds were actualy only a unique feed, and if new
    blogs were added without your intervention?

    Thanks to, this is now a reality, you have two ways of
    reading ALL Autodesk's blogs:

    On CADxp directly:
    By subscribing to this meta RSS feed:
    Patrick, Oct 25, 2006
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