Autodesk seek legal compliance from LT-Extender

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Patrick EMIN, Oct 17, 2003.

  1. Patrick EMIN

    Patrick EMIN Guest

    Autodesk today announced that it has filed a lawsuit seeking legal
    compliance from Torsten Moses, whose LT-Extender software allegedly violates
    Autodesk's copyright protected intellectual property and other rights.

    Patrick EMIN
    The french CAD portal
    Patrick EMIN, Oct 17, 2003
  2. That's interesting, thanks for sharing!
    Do you have a link to an official statment, press release or similar?

    Wonder if "ImageAttach" and it's French distributor is their next target ;o)

    Conny Klasson, Oct 17, 2003
  3. Patrick EMIN

    Patrick EMIN Guest


    That would be flattering ;))

    The info link:

    Patrick EMIN
    The french CAD portal
    Patrick EMIN, Oct 17, 2003
  4. I checked out their manual once: "enabling" ACIS functionality in AutoCAD LT
    by copying binaries from full AutoCAD.

    Legitimate application loader and 3D modelling software for AutoCAD LT is
    available at my web page. For legal status, try a google newsgroup search
    for "hvUnlight dbx".

    Henrik Vallgren
    Henrik Vallgren, Oct 17, 2003
  5. Patrick EMIN

    Chip Harper Guest

    Chip Harper, Oct 18, 2003
  6. Patrick EMIN

    garyd Guest

    I dont't think so! We have been doing apps for LT since later 1997 and do
    not breach any licence agreements or copyright issues. So if you want get
    your copy now "as you put it" be my guest, you will be perfectly legal!

    garyd, Oct 18, 2003
  7. Patrick EMIN

    garyd Guest


    I think you are refering to !slingshot from
    which sure beats your alternatives and no you don't need to wonder
    or whiteant.

    Regards Gary
    garyd, Oct 18, 2003
  8. "Image Attach" is extremly simple, you can use a tool like
    "Windowse" from to do the same thing.
    I always reccomend !slingshot as "a more proffesional approach".

    Conny Klasson, Oct 18, 2003
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