Autodesk getting desperate....

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jason, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. Jason

    Bill Guest

    Mostly it means your paying UGS the royalties to use it...
    Esprit in a Haas control??? News to me. I think most agree, If the
    programming is more involved than a few Quickcode edits, I'd rather be
    siting down.
    Bill, Jun 9, 2006
  2. Jason

    Cliff Guest

    Which poor clueless will no doubt want to compare to seats
    of banquercadcam.
    Cliff, Jun 9, 2006
  3. Jason

    Cliff Guest

    This may be a first? IF it were true ...
    Cliff, Jun 9, 2006
  4. Jason

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Jun 9, 2006
  5. Jason

    jon_banquer Guest

    "I think most agree, If the programming is more involved than a few
    Quickcode edits, I'd rather be siting down."

    I love the total crap you try and pass off as fact.

    Tell this to all those who purchase Hurco's for the conversational
    programming.... you know Hurco the company that recieved millions of
    dollars from the company you work for.

    How about the FADAL 32 MP control with Gibbs built in?

    How about the Centeroid or Prototrak control or ....

    Ah... what's the point.

    Jon Banquer
    Phoenix, Arizona
    jon_banquer, Jun 10, 2006
  6. Jason

    Cliff Guest

    That you are 105% clueless?
    Can you even do simple 2 axes stuff? Without colored pictures of
    triangles supplied by your boss?

    The Zen of the RED button:
    When my mind is deep in the code and I'm standing at the machine
    editing or creating a program I can see the tool in my mind as cuts
    the part. I'm like in another world.
    ] - jb

    In better shops people know when not to bother you. When
    this happens on a frequent basis it's a good sign that
    perhaps one should move on.
    ] - jb

    "One word sums it up.....HANDWHEEL"
    Cliff, Jun 10, 2006
  7. Jason

    Cliff Guest

    Tried banquercadcam yet?
    3465 hits thus far ..... can't be all bad <G>.
    Except for the usual ads & the usual errors ...
    Cliff, Jun 10, 2006
  8. Jason

    Bill Guest

    Did I say "fact"? If you READ it... I clearly stated " I think most
    agree" In most normal conversation that would be treated as an opinion
    I hold (and think others do as well). Stick with the decaf bud, your a
    bit tense today.
    Do a google using - Hurco Haas lawsuit - as the search. Get back to us.

    I used the Gibbs in Fadal control setup for a couple years... it
    sucked. (in my opinion). Perhaps the newer versions interface has

    Btw, I think Quickcode is great for its intended purpose. The Visual
    Quick Code Probing System option is way cool as well. But, if I was
    needing lots of curvey profiles to program - out comes the cam system.
    Bill, Jun 11, 2006
  9. Jason

    jon_banquer Guest

    How about Mazak and the Mazatrol language? Ready to discount the
    millions of dollars in equipment Mazak has sold just *because* of their
    Mazatrol language?

    Just because you can't think and react at the control any longer (or
    never could in the first place) doesn't mean the rest of us need to sit
    on our asses behind a computer in an office just to knock out basic
    programs. Are you suffering from a form of Cliffy mental illness where
    everything must be thought of in terms of 5 axis simultaneous
    programming? Do you even do 5 axis simultaneous programming at Haas?

    Have I mentioned that Unigraphics sales are flat and not expected to
    rebound any time soon. How about the disappointing job UGS does with
    marketing SolidEdge?

    How soon before Haas rolls out with a new control with DP Esprit in it?

    Jon Banquer
    Phoenix, Arizona
    jon_banquer, Jun 11, 2006
  10. Jason

    Cliff Guest

    What's the current price for banquercadcam?
    Cliff, Jun 11, 2006
  11. Jason

    Big Johnson Guest

    Oh, that's nothing. You should see the ones they do in parody of their own
    customers. Blue as a Viagra tablet embossed with the Autodesk logo. Carl in a
    Ben Franklin thong is pretty scary.
    Big Johnson, Jun 19, 2006
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