Autodesk getting desperate....

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jason, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. Jason

    Jason Guest

    Is this just desperate marketing.....corny pep-rallying......or just
    lack of common sense?
    Some of it's kind of funny.....but I'd say that Autodesk seems to be
    scared of Solidworks to target them in such a manner.

    First the SwxWorld stunt in this....what's next.....
    Jason, Jun 5, 2006
  2. Jason

    fcsuper Guest

    What's Autodesk?
    fcsuper, Jun 5, 2006
  3. Jason

    DiscDawg Guest

    Who would be stupid enough to show their face after being involved in
    such an absurd video? I suppose they are all Autodesk executives.....
    DiscDawg, Jun 5, 2006
  4. Jason

    Rocco Guest

    Typical scumbag tactic - try to make yourself look better by making
    your competition look bad. Instead of trying to ridicule SWworld, why
    don't they try creating something similar for Inventor users?
    I have to give credit to SolidWorks - they broke into the mid-level CAD
    market where AutoCAD was king because they had a superior product. But
    they also recognized that one of the draws of AutoCAD was all the
    support users had in the way of user groups, add-ons, etc, that made it
    less intimidating for novices to get in and learn more and become
    better users. Good users are good advertisements for the product.
    Helping people to become better users creates a workforce skilled in
    your product, creating leverage when it comes time to choose one over
    the other.
    And Autodesk's answer is just what I would expect...from a loser.
    Rocco, Jun 5, 2006
  5. Jason

    Mr. Who Guest

    I didn't go to SolidWorks world. Can somebody explain this video to
    me? It didn't make any sense at all. Why are they wearing Jason
    masks? Why do they keep approaching women? What are they doing
    running around? Aside from the loser song playing in the background, I
    don't get the point of the video.
    Mr. Who, Jun 5, 2006
  6. Jason

    ken.maren Guest

    Wrong. The last woman in the video is Carol Bartz herself.

    ken.maren, Jun 5, 2006
  7. Jason

    Jason Guest

    And the guy giving the finger before none other than Carl
    Bass....Autodesks CEO.

    There's more info here:
    Jason, Jun 5, 2006
  8. Jason

    Sean Dotson Guest

    As a long time Inventor user I can say that I, and a good number of other
    Autodesk customers, are pretty embarrassed by this video too.
    Sean Dotson, Jun 5, 2006
  9. Jason

    ken.maren Guest

    Funny. It should have too. That had to be the dumbest video I have
    seen in a long time.

    ken.maren, Jun 5, 2006
  10. Looked to me like a Jenny Craig audition tape. Are you sure it wasn't?
    John R. Carroll, Jun 5, 2006
  11. Jason

    Rock Guy Guest

    I agree and would also add it's a very accurate representation of the
    company which produced it.
    Rock Guy, Jun 5, 2006
  12. I would guess this video was made as a gag for an Autodesk corporate sale
    I doubt that it was meant to be shown anywhere but at one of their

    bill allemann, Jun 5, 2006
  13. Jason

    neil Guest

    Spot the employees who just jumped out the corporate window...
    I can't believe people with executive responsibility would do that - it's
    just so bloody lame and crass.
    What a bunch of juvenile jerks.
    After seeing that revelation who the hell would want to be an Autodesk owner
    let alone join them.
    Did anyone say resignations...
    neil, Jun 5, 2006
  14. Jason

    Mr. Who Guest

    hahahaha, good one. I thought you were serious to start =D.
    Mr. Who, Jun 6, 2006
  15. Jason

    parel Guest

    wow- where can I get one of those masks. I have the sudden urge to
    terrorize the hapless execs/nerds who made that video....retards
    parel, Jun 6, 2006
  16. Jason

    neil Guest

    Why be embarrassed? These senior people made total idiots of themselves and
    their company.SW users are bigger than to associate individual Inventor
    users with it.
    neil, Jun 6, 2006
  17. Jason

    noodles Guest

    Concern over appearances and stock prices has more to do with it than genuine
    noodles, Jun 6, 2006
  18. Jason

    Sean Dotson Guest

    You know, I come in here to let you guys know that "the evil Inventor users"
    are just as displeased with these developments as the Solidworks users are
    and this is the type of response I get?

    Has nothing to do with stock price or appearance. I think it was juvenile
    and an embarrassment to all of their customers. Try out your conspiracy
    theories elsewhere.

    Sean Dotson, PE
    RND Automation & Engineering
    Sean Dotson, Jun 6, 2006
  19. Jason

    parel Guest

    wow...amazing that high level executives are so crass (shudder). Kinda
    makes you wonder if Banquer and his young ward Cliff were in the video
    parel, Jun 6, 2006
  20. Jason

    jon_banquer Guest

    That you actually expected more from this newsgroup certainly doesn't
    surprise me in the least. It's almost as bad as much of the nonsense
    that gets posted on your Web Forums. ;>)

    Since you almost have the Cliffy deal figured out I somehow feel
    obligated to give you some clues. It starts with realizing that
    Autodesk now has some very distinct advantages over SaladWorks Corp
    *if* they put them to use.

    1. Autodesk doesn't have to worry about encroaching on CATIA's market
    share... there is no ceiling other than Autodesks own incompetence and
    arrogance and SaladWorks Corp. is rapidly approaching that level

    2. If Autodesk found a way to seamlessly integrate Alias Studio with
    Inventor this would crush the concept of the masses thinking that
    somehow SaladWorks is a technology leader and allow Inventor to be seen
    in an entirely new light.

    Jon Banquer
    Phoenix, Arizona
    jon_banquer, Jun 6, 2006
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