Autodesk called me today....

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by CW, Sep 30, 2003.

  1. CW

    CW Guest

    Did it really surprise you that they didn't care what you thought? I bet
    not. Anyone that has had dealing with these people would expect just what
    you got from them. So, you never did say what you were going to do as far as
    CW, Sep 30, 2003
  2. I just thought I'd relay the phone call I got today from Autodesk.

    I had requested a trial CD of Revit some months back and they were calling
    to get some feedback and ask some questions to help them with potential
    future changes to the software.

    The lady asked if I could spare a minute or two and I said "yes". At that
    point I explained to her that while I had received the CD, I'd never
    actually used it. At this point I was looking forward to be able to voice
    my view of the software, and the reasons why I choose not to install it.
    Instead of her asking "Oh, why did you decide not to try it?" she said
    "well, then none of my questions apply" and after saying goodbye, hung up.

    Hmmm, I can certainly understand wanting feedback from users, but I would
    think POTENTIAL USERS would be important as well (if not more so).
    Especially potential users who went as far as ordering the trial CD. I
    guess for tweeking of future releases you'd want to talk to the people with
    hands-on experience with the product, but as someone deciding what software
    direction my company is headed (currently using ADT - which is being phased
    out for Revit - and AutoCAD) you'd think that'd it might be important to
    them to know WHY I decided not to persue Revit. Maybe even find out what
    ADT users are planning on going to once they kill off that product line.

    Anyway, just thought I'd rant about the company that takes my money, but
    doesn't care what I think of it....

    Michael (LS)
    Michael \(LS\), Sep 30, 2003
  3. No it didn't suprise me that they don't care. Two things did suprise my
    1. That they even called
    2. That having made the call, and finding someone willing to speak with
    them, that they weren't interested in why I choose not to use the software
    of their future.
    Yeah, my experiences with Autodesk (and their Authorized Dealers) is
    anything but positive.
    I haven't totally decided yet. I do know I'm getting off Autodesks upgrade
    wheel. I do occasionally exchange files with a couple of my clients so I
    need accurate dwg compatability. Whether that's one seat of LT and the rest
    IntelliCAD, or one LT and the rest just stick with what we've got, or all
    IntelliCAD, or ......

    I refuse to keep dumping money into a product upgrade that doesn't actually
    benefit me. I've got everything customized and working the way I like.
    Upgrading forces me to redo a lot of that, and most releases don't benefit
    me enough to offset those costs and time.

    The bulk (>75%) of my clients are builders and about half of those use a CAD
    program. Every single one of them (that uses a CAD program) uses Chief
    Architect, so I'll be looking into that in the future as an option.

    Got any suggestions?

    Michael (LS)
    Michael \(LS\), Sep 30, 2003
  4. CW

    Adam B Guest


    As an ADT user my company just recently learned of the existence of Revit,
    and I have been researching the program through news groups, and through the
    demo product I downloaded from the AutoDesk web site.

    I to also ordered a trial CD from them in the middle of September and am
    awaiting its arrival. I would like to know, if you know that FOR SURE
    AutoDesk is heading in the Revit direction.

    I posted a thread on the AutoDesk news group regarding this issue and the
    monitor removed it from the posting stating that (more or less) I shouldn't
    stir shit up.

    Anyhow, I hate how there is this uncertainness in my mind regarding the
    direction of REVIT and ADT. Couldn't AutoDesk come out and say "look this is
    the deal. in 2 years we're not gonna make ADT any more and for those
    companies who wanna get a head start, make the switch soon."

    As I am the only one in the company who is "qualified" enough to make a
    personal recommendation to the company on the AutoDesk products to use, I
    feel confused as to why they are making it such a hard transition.

    I feel, from my experience with both programs, that Revit is the future for
    the building design industry, however I want to hear a clear answer that
    this is it.

    any comments/questions/rebuttals?

    thanks guys
    Adam B, Sep 30, 2003
  5. CW

    alan Guest

    I think Autodesk is a rip off the price is to dam high.
    alan, Sep 30, 2003
  6. Yes, Revit is the future. ADT is not going to be around much longer.

    Here's a copy of a post I made last week about it:
    "It's been discussed on the newsgroups on Autodesks servers (and by Autodesk
    employees). This is NOT a rumor, the only real publically unknown is WHEN
    will they discontinue it.

    According to everything I've read here's the situation:
    Current version of ADT is 2004.
    There WILL be a 2005 (or whatever they call it).
    There will NOT be any versions beyond that.
    Revit is the future.

    It's too bad that Autodesk bought Revit as the competition was (and would
    have continued) to make it better."

    The information I have, I got from newsgroups on Autodesks servers, and most
    of the information comes directly from Autodesk employees. Also discussed
    were the future of Viz (which I use too) and how it too won't be developed
    further. Viz users will have two options:
    1. Viz Render - built into ADT4 (and into the next release of Revit)
    2. 3D Max - which costs more and has more features (unfortunitely, I don't
    need any of the additional features).


    Michael (LS)
    Michael \(LS\), Sep 30, 2003
  7. Hmmm ...
    years ago they said (not a rumor), Inventor is the future. MDT (it was
    MDT 5) is not going to be around much longer.
    And then we got a MDT 6, then a MDT 2004, ...

    Jürgen Palme, Sep 30, 2003

  8. Yeah, back in 2002 there was a lot of talk about this. I've never used MDT
    or Inventor but from what I hear the problem is that the user base of MDT is
    5 times the size of Inventor. Autodesk obviously doesn't want to lose those
    customers, so they'll try to figure out how to force people to migrate. The
    biggest reason (AFAIK) people prefer MDT is that it's AutoCAD based, where
    Inventor is not. This causes usage/training issues as well as file format
    (translation) problems.

    My guess with MDT/Inventor is that they'll try to make Inventor more
    appealling to users (ie: increase file compatibility, interface etc). Then
    scare/force people to switch. Obviously, when they said MDT would be going
    bye-bye some people probably switched to Inventor and others I'm sure at
    least looked into it. Also, the fact they gave Inventor away "free" to MDT
    users helps them increase the user base.

    It general Autodesk is trying to consolidate their product lines. By
    limiting their offering they can claim a larger user base for those
    products. It also helps them by not having to support, and continue
    development of, so many products. I don't know what size user base ADT has,
    but I'd be willing to guess it's pretty small. I wish rather than end ADT
    development in favor of Revit that they change the "focus" of the two
    product lines. Combine the best parts of both into one package and market
    it to firms doing large scale commercial projects, and a "LT" version for
    residential and light commercial.

    The other product being consolidated (that effects me) is Viz. I had no
    problem paying to keep my Viz current, but now I'm forced to switch to
    either Viz Render (which is free with ADT, and soon, Revit) or Max (which is
    more expensive than Viz was, and it is not "geared" to architectural
    rendering like Viz was). I certainly won't spend the money for Max, so
    instead of getting my Viz money, I'll be spending it elsewhere (maybe
    Sketch-up) or just saving it.

    Michael (LS)

    BTW, the info I quoted about ADT isn't a rumor (it came directly from
    Autodesk employees - So it may be a lie, but it's not a rumor).
    Michael \(LS\), Oct 1, 2003
  9. I just thought I'd relay the phone call I got today from Autodesk.

    Autodesk does care what you think. However, Autodesk likely didn't call
    you. There's a company local to me (of which I know a couple current and
    former employees) who do service calls for various companies. Autodesk
    is one of their cleints.

    You also need to keep in mind that because of this, the people you are
    talkngi to know nothing about the product. The mother of my wife's
    friend does calls for Autodesk and she was very interested when she
    found out I used AutoCAD because she didn't know anything about it.

    Typically, these call centers have scripts they follow. If you haven't
    used it, it likely invalidated their script which means they have
    nothing to ask you. And genneraly speaking, they are forbiden from
    contract, from discussing the item they are talknig about further
    outside the scope of their script because not knowing the products, they
    could easily piss off a customer even more by "not having the answers".
    So the last thing Autofdesk want's is for these people to venture into
    unfamiliar ground.

    This practice isn't specific to Autodesk. Just about any time you get a
    call oiek this regading a product or service from a big comany, it's
    typicalyl outsoursed to another firm. UPS (United Parcel Service) is a
    perfect ecample. If you cal ltheri customer support number with a
    probelm, you are talking to people who are NOT employees of UPS.

    It's just how it is. It just doesn't mean that they don't care to hear
    what you say.

    Darren J. Young

    Minnesota CADWorks, Inc.
    PO Box 1172
    Monticello, Minnesota 55362-1172

    Phone: (763) 295-4433
    Fax: (763) 295-4437


    Autodesk Registered Developer
    Darren J. Young, Oct 3, 2003
  10. I feel, from my experience with both programs, that Revit is the future for
    Autodesk can't give you a clear answer because the truth is that it's
    you the customers that choose. ADT won't be killed off for the forseable
    future just like MDT wasn't because of Inventor. If Revit does what
    peple are expecting it to, ADT will die on it's own. When that happens,
    nobody realyl know. Transitions like this tend to be harder in the AEC
    market than they do in a manufacturing environment.

    Darren J. Young

    Minnesota CADWorks, Inc.
    PO Box 1172
    Monticello, Minnesota 55362-1172

    Phone: (763) 295-4433
    Fax: (763) 295-4437


    Autodesk Registered Developer
    Darren J. Young, Oct 3, 2003
  11. I think Autodesk is a rip off the price is to dam high.

    Don't pay it. There's other cheaper options.

    Personally, I think the price is too high for AutoCAD or the other
    products too. I also think my truck cost too much. My house was too
    expensive. Gas is to high. etc. etc. etc. At some point you gotta
    realize the cost of market driven prices.

    Darren J. Young

    Minnesota CADWorks, Inc.
    PO Box 1172
    Monticello, Minnesota 55362-1172

    Phone: (763) 295-4433
    Fax: (763) 295-4437


    Autodesk Registered Developer
    Darren J. Young, Oct 3, 2003
  12. Michael (LS) wrote:

    [studying his options snipped]
    I know one surveying company who keeps {I think] one up-to-date autocad
    PC and runs their office on Release 12 with some customised lisp
    features. Files that open for all their customers and that are tiny and
    therefore easy to send via e-mail are the result.

    FWIW I'd suggest keeping just one PC up-to-date and run whatever you're
    comfortable with on the rest.

    Consider also whether an open-source alternative might be useful for
    your overall cost base reductions. I'm currently evaluating SuSE Linux
    8.1 and Open Office 1.0. Hard to do when you're busy and not 100%
    committed to the changeover.

    The latest Varicad may be a Christmas present to myself.

    Considering Bill is once again the world's richest man and his
    organization has several millionaures, I think professionals who work
    with and/or specify software need to look at our costs and challenge the
    perceived status quo occassionally.

    Basically put, you always need to watch your costs and promote
    competition amongst your suppliers. That way you stand a chance of them
    keeping sharp and delivering a competitively priced product.

    BTW, Bill's bail-out of Apple a while ago is not to be underestimated.

    Now he has his finger on a Unix based OS with a previous reputation
    associated with delivering media products.


    Michael O'Neill, Oct 6, 2003
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