Autodesk 2004 freezes on startup

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by macker, Feb 15, 2005.

  1. macker

    macker Guest

    I am trying to fix a problem for an architect friend of mine. He's a
    hell of an architect but not much of a computer jocky.

    He is running a P4, Windows XP Sp2, 1G ram, NVidia GeForce FX 5900XT
    video card. He installed Autodesk Architectural Desktop (standard
    install - no errors) and ran it for approx. 3 weeks with no problems.
    After he returned from a vacation, whenever he clicks on the icon to
    run autodesk, the software starts to load and then freezes up at 92%.

    No changes to his machine have been made and this error starts to pop
    up now. I uninstalled the software and re-installed with same results.
    Upon doing some research, I discovered a registry cleaner for this
    particular software and did another uninstall, then ran the registry
    cleaner and re-installed. This time we got to the prompt to enter his
    codes to register the software. This went through and we printed out
    the reciept and then got the very same error - the software starts to
    load the default window, template, command window, etc., and freezes @

    I am baffled and can find little about this particular error anywhere
    on the internet.

    Does anyone have any experience with this?

    Thank you for your help. What started out as a little favor for a
    friend has turned into a lot of my time.

    macker, Feb 15, 2005
  2. macker

    JP Guest

    This could end up in a timeconsuming search.
    Problem could lay with XP as well somewere in autocad or even another

    1- was sp2 installed after ADT was running fine?
    if so, check autodesk for an adt patch

    2- is there enough swap space on the harddrive?
    even starting autocad requires some swapping space, not enough could end up
    in a froze app.

    3- is the TEMP folder clean (or cleaned)?
    if thisone contains a large number of files it could be possible that ADT
    cannot put its temporarely files there.

    Just some thoughts,
    JP, Feb 16, 2005
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