AutoCAD14 on XP with ADLM

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by user, Dec 29, 2003.

  1. user

    user Guest

    I have an NT network with ADLM and was using WIN 98 on stations. I am
    now starting to use XP on the stations and I have successfully managed
    to have the stations get the licence from the server. I now have a
    further problem which I hope somebody can suggest a solution for. Since
    it is a school situation, there are many users with individual log on
    IDs and when a second user logs on, the first ACAD14.CFG file is used
    and this causes a conflict. If I delete this file before the second user
    logs on everything is OK. Can anyone suggest a solution to this problem?
    Is there a way that I can have a shared acad14.cfg?
    user, Dec 29, 2003
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