AutoCad -

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by BlueBateman, Jun 30, 2005.

  1. BlueBateman

    BlueBateman Guest

    Hi, My drawing containing multiple lines (10,000+) on a single layer
    that I need to calculate the collective length of.

    I appreciate that AutoCad itself won't be able to do this, but if I
    could get the data into a text file or even better Excel I could then
    manually (using macros) add the line lengths up. AutoCad must contain
    the data I need as the 'List' command displays sufficient data and
    more. Whilst I could cut&paste this data into Excel and sort it out
    there, the text field is overloaded and I loose the info I need.

    Therefore is there a way of?
    1) Exporting the results of a list file directly into a .txt document.
    2) Tailoring the output of the 'List' command to only include Lengths.
    3) Obtaining the required data using other means.
    BlueBateman, Jun 30, 2005
  2. BlueBateman

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Paul Turvill, Jun 30, 2005
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