
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Janice McCreary, Aug 1, 2004.

  1. Joe,

    Ran across several items of interest today.

    Hi everybody!

    I am working for HVAC Company. Usually I use backgrounds from Architectural
    or Sheet Metal companies to create my Shop Drawings. My problem that when I
    open one of these drawings that suppose to be my background I've got the

    Educational plot stamp detected.

    If you continue with this operation, the drawing will be plotted with the

    How can I rid of this banner?


    Somewhere down the line someone used an educational product to create a
    block or something that is included in the cad files you received. This
    intentional behavior created by AutoDesk to prevent folks from using lower
    priced Educational software for production work. The burden of correcting
    the problem is with the creator of the file. Here is the AutoDesk tech doc
    on the subject.

    To lock drawing files when giving them to others to print on review:

    Janice McCreary, Aug 1, 2004
  2. Janice McCreary

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Who's Joe, and why are you posting this old news on alt.cad.autocad?
    Paul Turvill, Aug 1, 2004
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