AutoCAD will refuse to load and/or run the macro

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Mando, Feb 20, 2004.

  1. Mando

    Mando Guest

    I have written a piece of VB that inserts solid objects into an AutoCAD
    drawing. These objects match the size and shape of common steel shapes,
    such as WF, angle, channel, or tee. The user can chose the length and the
    insertion grip point. It seem to work fairly well. The way the VB is
    launched is from a menu selection or toolbars that I have also created.
    After the VB program has done it's work it unloads itself and terminates.
    This leaves nothing loaded and/or running in the VBAIDE editor. From this
    description you would think the world would be a wonder place, but not so.
    Sometimes, after running the routine several times AutoCAD will refuse to
    load and/or run the macro. I can even save the drawing and quit the
    session, then re-launch AutoCAD and recall the drawing, but still does not
    work. The only solution that I have found is to launch a new session of
    AutoCAD, then insert the previous drawing into the new session exploded.
    Now for a while it will work. Has any body come across this problem before?

    Mando Villarreal
    10333 Harwin Dr Suite 655
    Houston, TX 77036
    P - 713-270-9180
    F - 713-270-9125
    Mando, Feb 20, 2004
  2. Any error message ?
    Jorge Jimenez, Feb 20, 2004
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